Monday, February 23, 2009

It has been a while.....

Yet again....I have failed to post as often as I would like! Today, I stayed home with Brody because both of my parents are sick. My Mom was home all last week and she went to the doctor and they said she had bronchitis and gave her some medicine. Dad started to not feel well on Friday and they were both in bed all weekend long. I called them yesterday and my Dad said he was going to take my Mom to the doctor this morning because she wasn't getting any better. So, they went this morning and my Mom got some stronger medicine to hopefully kick the bronchitis and my Dad got some meds too since he has a sinus infection. My Dad said he is starting to feel better, but I am going to stay at home again with Brody tomorrow just to give my Dad another day to recouperate! I guess it is that time of year for sickness.....I just don't want Brody to get it!
Today, I decided to go see my friend, Rawan, who had a baby boy on January 2nd. I have been meaning to go see her and it just hasn't worked outso far. Her baby boy, Nicholas, is so tiny and cute! I forgot what it is like to hold a newborn! Brody definitely looks more like a little boy than a baby compared to him. It was funny to see Brody's reaction because he has never been around a little baby before. I was holding Nicholas and Brody kept looking at me, and then looking at him and when he cried, Brody started to make noise too. I am not sure if he was jealous or just curious but it was pretty funny. I took a few pics from today! Look at all of Baby Nicholas' hair! :)

Brody going for the tag on Nicholas' bib. He is in love with tags....on everything!!!

This is his look when I tell him no....I love it! He was heading for her outlets!

This time I told him to be gentle with the baby....same look! :)

Brody has now officially taken about 4 steps on his own, but he of course would much rather crawl. He has just now started to wave, but that is pretty sporatic and he waves at himself mostly! We are working on that. We are also working on clapping. He kinda clapped tonight just once, but for the most part, just looks at Ted and I like we are crazy when we start clapping! The freaky, paranoid Mother that I am is alwasy fearful about him not meeting his milestones, but I have to remember that Brody might not do things at the same pace as other babies. I do plan on talking to his pediatrician about his development at his 12 month appointment next month. Just want to make sure we are on track and there is nothing to be alarmed about. Being a mother is worrisome and I know I will continue to worry about him for the rest of my life!

This past weekend, Tab came down and we had to run a bunch of errands on Saturday. We picked up the cutest little outfits for little Miss Mallory Mae on Saturday. I swear, they have the cutest little outfits and since she will be here in June, most of the outfits we bought her are little dresses! SO CUTE! I can not wait to see her in them. It was so much fun to shop for a little girl! I told Ted that with our next one, I know that we will have another boy just because I want a girl so bad now! But, I wanted a girl with Brody but I can never imagine not having this little guy in my life now! So, everything works out the way it is supposed to! :)

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Crazy Days!

So this past week has been pretty rough! I have worked late every night and I still have to go in this weekend (at least I am thinking I will, but still keeping my fingers crossed that I won't have to). We have Ethan this week so Ted was doing alot of the running around, picking up the kids, feeding them, and entertaining them until bed time. On Wednesday, I only saw Brody for about 5 minutes because I didn't get home from work until 9:00 pm! UGH! Atleast there is a light at the end of my tunnel. The project I have been working on gets submitted on Monday so that will be a huge relief. And it is just in time since Ted has to leave on Monday for South Carolina. Atleast he will only be gone until Friday. It is pretty rough when he is not here trying to get everything done....but such is life! Ted keeps reminding me that if/when we have another kid, it won't get any easier. I understand that and I am prepared (atleast I think!)

Yesterday morning when I was taking Ethan to school, he said he wasn't feeling that great. I asked him if he thought he could make it through the school day and he said he thought he could. I told him if he felt really bad to go to the nurse.

Well....he made it through the day but when Ted picked him up last night, he had a temperature of 103. We gave him some Motrin and he chilled out for the evening. This morning, when I went to wake him up for school, I asked him how he felt and he said he didn't feel good. I took his temp and it was 103.7. No school for Ethan! I gave him some more Motrin and he went back to sleep. Ted stayed home with him today and I took Brody to my Dad's. I called Ted around 9:30 and he said his temp was 99 so that was a good sign. About 3:30 today, Ted calls me and said he was taking Ethan to the ER because his temperature was 104.7!! 104.7!!!!!!!!! OMG! I couldn't believe it. I left work and met them at the ER. At first, I thought maybe something was wrong with our thermometer. Well, not the case. When he got to the ER, his temp was 104.3. They gave him some tylenol, tested him for the flu (which came back negative) and then they figured he had bronchitis. They gave us some meds and an inhaler (he is barking like a dog) and sent us on our way. I just took his temperature about 30 minutes ago and it was 100.2. Hopefully, he is on the road to recovery.

I do have a fear that Brody could get it because I read up on bronchitis (yes on the internet, which is never really my friend) and they said it was contagious. I am working from home tomorrow and will have both of the kids with me so hopefully, Ethan will be feeling better and will not give it to Brody. But, if Brody gets it, he gets it. He has yet to get sick in his 11 months of life.....which is pretty crazy, so I am sure he is due for something. I am actually so surprised he hasn't been sick yet. I was sick at one point and so was my Dad and he didn't get it. Hopefully, he has a powerful immune system. I am keeping my fingers crossed on that too!

Since I am on the sick topic, we have officially put Brody on the waiting list for daycare. There is this really awesome place right outside of my parents neighborhood that my neighbor takes her two kids to. I have heard great things about it so even though I am super duper nervous about Brody in daycare, I think it will be really good for him. It is extremely convenient, especially for when Ted is out of town because my parents can walk there to pick Brody up. The daycare closes at 6 and I know most days, I will not be able to get there by 6 so it will be nice for my parents when they need to pick him up for me. I have already cried numerous times at the thought of someone taking care of Brody besides me, Ted or my parents. And since he is on a pretty strict schedule, I have already asked for the schedule for the class he would be in so I can start preparing him for the transition. I think it is time for Brody to have some socialization and be around other kids. Of course with that will come sickness. But we are truly lucky that he has managed to stay healthy for this long!

I initially wanted to only put him in daycare part time, but this place does not offer part-time and since we have to pay for the whole week, he will be going atleast four days a week (I haven't decided about Fridays yet.....I still want to be home with him on Fridays). We have told my Dad that he can go pick him up whenever he wants to so we will see what happens. There are about 10 people ahead of us, but we didn't want to enroll him until June anyway so hopefully, the timing will be perfect.

This blog is pretty much all over the place, but since I haven't blogged in over a week, I have much to say! Brody has taken a few steps on his own, but of course, he has defaulted to crawling because he can get where he wants to go much faster. We are also working on waving, which he has yet to do. I am trying not to freak out about that because most of the information I have read says he should be doing it by now. Sometimes, he does clench and unclench his fist when we are waving to him, but I wouldn't call that an official wave.

Here are a few pictures from last weekend. We celebrated Tab's husband Kevin's big 4-0 birthday! The second pic is Brody giving Daddy a big wet one! He is so cute.

Here is a nice picture of Brody's future in-laws! :) I keeping joking about the fact that I have already arranged Brody's marriage to Mallory Mae, although everyone thinks that might be a little too much like incest. I keep reminding them that they aren't blood related! :) And, Kevin has already said that she won't date......EVER!

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

I Won and Funny Videos

So...I have been battling with our insurance company for the past couple of weeks over the medication that Brody takes for his reflux. He has been on this medication for the past 3 months and when I went to get it filled for the third time, my pharmacy told me that it was no longer covered. I called my insurance company the next day, was told it was a miscommunication error and that it was covered and that my pharmacy could refill it in a couple days, allowing the error correction in the system. My pharmacist called as well because she didn't quite understand what they were talking about and was told it was not covered. I then called again the next day, and during that hour phone conversation, was told it was covered for children up to 24 months and then was later told by someone else that it wasn't covered. After all of that, I filed an appeal and wrote a 2 page letter explaining the fact that he had been on this same medication, which has been working, for the past three months and now all of the sudden it wasn't covered. Apparently, they took this medication off the drug list as of 1/1/09, but was I informed? NO! Finally, I got a letter in the mail yesterday saying that they were covering this medication for him until next January and that they were sorry for any frustration this has caused! Thank the Lord! I am glad they finally covered it because it was such a hassle. But....all is good now! :)

Yesterday, I went with Tab and Kevin to their doctor's appointment and got to see little Mallory Mae on the ultrasound. They found out for sure it is a girl! :) She was moving all around and had her legs crossed at one point. So cute!! :) I am really happy for them! I know they wanted a boy, but they are just as excited for this little girl. We then went and picked out her furniture and decided on bedding. She is halfway through and Mallory will be here before we all now it! :)

Last night when we got home, I took the following two videos of Brody. The first one is him feeding himself. He is so funny when he does it because he hasn't quite mastered how to take the spoon from his mouth yet. He absolutely can put it in, but then just chews on it. The second video is of him in the bath. We have this little fish that will spray water. The other night, I was spraying it on him and he was laughing so hard. Although he didn't laugh quite as hard, he was still laughing at it. I wish I could just bottle up that little laugh of his! It definitely brightens my day! :)