So, it has been a long time since I posted last. It seems like I have every intention of posting and then when it comes time to do it, I am either too busy or too tired to post! Crazy, I know. But, chasing after a 14 month old and growing a human can be real tiring at the same time. Plus, I tend to feel more nauseous at night, which I hope will start fading in the next couple of weeks since I am just about entering my second trimester! But, I feel very blessed to have the 14 month old to chase around and to have this other little one growing in my belly so I am definitely not complaining!
So the last couple of weeks have been pretty rough. Ted and I celebrated our 4th wedding anniversary (it was May 28th). Since it was a Thursday, we decided to have a date on Friday night and go to dinner and a movie and my parents watched Brody. We thought about going to a nice restaurant at the beach, but I told him that since I am nauseous at night, I didn’t want to drive all the way out there and not feel like eating, so we decided to stay close to home. Plus, the movie I wanted to see wasn’t out in the theater yet so that was a bummer. Anyway, while we were enjoying our dinner, my dad called and said that my grandmother fell at her assisted living place and they needed to take her to the ER. So much for our date….but we were not upset at all! We got our food to go and met my parents at my grandmother’s place. She was so out of it and apparently she hit her head. We picked up Brody and I drove back up to the ER to check on my grandma. They decided to admit her to run some more tests. She was extremely weak, could hardly talk, and she had a fever that they were concerned with. Now mind you, this is a woman who will be 96 this year and she has never had one single illness or surgery….picture perfect health.
Well, the next day when I went up to the hospital, my Mom said they thought she had a urinary tract infection, which apparently whoops older folks’ butts! They said the infection can cause dementia and weakness in older people. So the plan was to treat that and keep her in the hospital for a couple of days and then release her to a skilled nursing facility that could provide some physical therapy to get her stronger. Well, that was Saturday. On Sunday morning, my dad called to tell me that she had MRSA! Say what? Apparently she was extremely contagious and they had to wear gloves, masks, and gowns when they were in contact with her. He told me he thought it wouldn’t be safe for me to be up there nor should I bring Brody. I totally agreed.
Anyway, that continued for a few days and they brought in an infectious diseases doctor to do some more testing. The conclusion was that she didn’t have MRSA, but had another type of serious staph infection. They have no idea how she got it, but at least they knew how to treat it. So, she was released from the hospital this past Friday and was transferred to a skilled nursing facility near my parent’s house where she has to have IV antibiotics for another 5 weeks!! But she is on the mend. I swear, this woman has 15 lives! The only bad thing to come out of this is that my parents had to cancel their trip to the Bahamas for their 40th wedding anniversary! My parents have been married for 40 years!!!!!!! I can’t even imagine, but there is no one else that would make either of them happier!
So, that was two weeks ago. Last week, I came home from work on Tuesday, not feeling great myself, and took one look at Brody and knew something was wrong. His eyes were puffy and red and he had this goop in them. It got worse that night and Ted and I agreed that if it was still bad in the morning, I was going to take him to the doctor. Well, I went to get him Wednesday morning and my poor little guy’s right eye was matted shut. I called the doctor’s office and Brody’s doctor was working the hospital that day so we saw another doctor in the practice. He knew right away what I feared… eye! I told him he had some congestion and a little cough. He took one look in his ears and said another thing I didn’t want to hear....double ear infection! He said since it was so close to the last time, he didn’t think it was a new one but just the same one hanging on. He gave him a different antibiotic than he had the last time and said he needed to stay on it until his 15 month check up on the 23rd. Then he said since it was June and he couldn’t get rid of this ear infection, he said that he wouldn’t stand a chance during cold and flu season. He said that if this antibiotic didn’t knock it out, then they would start talking about putting tubes in his ears! REALLY? I was kind of shocked by that because this is only his second ear infection. But, I am going to talk to Brody’s regular pediatrician, who I love, and see what she says! But, in the mean time, the pink eye was better the next day with the help of antibiotic drops. Here is a mental picture….trying to get eye drops in a 14 month old’s eyes! It was just shocking to find out he still had the ear infection because he doesn’t even act sick! He isn’t fussy or grumpy or look or act sick! But hopefully this antibiotic will help. We shall see!
This past weekend, we went to Tab and Kevin’s for a little casual cookout on Saturday. She is about ready to pop….actually today is 39 weeks for her. I took a couple of pictures that I will post once I download them so you can get the real picture. We are all so excited for little Mallory to make her arrival! She has become a little feisty these last couple of weeks, but really, who can blame her? I know she is ready to have her body back and to meet her little girl. Hopefully, it will happen sooner rather than later.
On to my little bundle of joy….went to the doctor on May 29th and while they couldn’t hear the baby’s heartbeat, my doctor did a quick ultrasound and we saw the heartbeat. He said everything looks good and my next appointment is June 26th. They are going to test me for gestational diabetes sooner than the normal 28 weeks since I failed the first test last time and was pretty much borderline. I think that was a factor in Brody being as big as he was. Hopefully, this one will be a bit smaller! I will update everyone after that appointment.
Okay, I think I have covered everything. Sorry to be so long-winded, but I almost treat this like my journal sometimes. It is nice to get everything out! J
I will post some recent pictures later! Hope everyone has a good week!