Wednesday, March 30, 2011

A Few Pictures

I don't have many pictures with me here at work, but wanted to post the few that I had! This first one cracks me up because Brody was so excited to eat his Shrek cake!! I just wish the spoon wasn't in the way!

Friday, March 25, 2011

15-Month Comparison the kiddies get older, they are starting to look more and more different. Here is a comparison of both of them around 15 months! Crazy how they both can look so different! Sorry they are both so blurry. They were taken on my phone and then of course I wanted to make it big enough to see. Such cuties!

My Baby Boy is 3

Holy crap people! My baby boy is 3 years old! When did that happen? I have been pretty slack with the blogging lately. Work is absolutely crazy and I am just so tired when I get home that all I want to do is relax and read before I go to bed. But anyway, enough about me!

Brody’s birthday was last Saturday and we decided to do something small at the house. We had my parents, Chris and Rick and the kids, Tab and Mallory, Nana and Grandma Cappy (Tab’s grandma and Mom), and my neighbors and their kids over. I originally wasn’t going to do a theme or anything, but at the last minute, decided I would do Shrek. He LOVES Shrek and has watched it so many times that he recites pieces of the movie. Sad, I know! But anyway, it was a pretty nice day so he was outside playing with the kids and overall, it was a great day! I love the fact that he is growing up, but in the same vein, I hate the fact that he is growing up! One day, my baby boy will be bigger than me, but I can’t think about that stuff right now. I am just going to enjoy these moments and cherish that fact that when he hurts himself or he is sad, Mommy is the one to make him feel better. A bandaid has nothing on Mommy’s kisses! The other night, I was doing some work at home and Ted and I went up to tuck Brody in for bed. I was going to head back downstairs and Ted was going to lay with him for a few minutes. When I said I was going downstairs, Brody clung to me and said “No Mommy. You stay here!” I said “Daddy is going to stay with you!” He said “No, Daddy can go downstairs… stay with me!” It definitely made me feel good (although it did upset Ted). Ted headed downstairs and Brody ran and got him and brought him back in the room. It was pretty sweet!

A couple of weeks ago, Brody moved up into the next class at school. I had my parent-teacher conference with his teacher and she said she knew Brody was ready to move up. She said he had mastered everything in her class and he would get bored quickly. Right before they transitioned him, he was acting up too, even at home, so I think he was ready for the challenge. He has been SOOO much better since transitioning and his teachers have said he is doing awesome. Puts a smile on my face, that’s for sure.

So, he had his 3-year check up on Monday. They did his weight and height and then checked his vision. He did so great. They gave him the black cover to put over his one eye and I said “Look Brody. You are a pirate!” He just turned to me, looked up and said, “Arggghhhh!” It was pretty funny. So here are his 3-year stats:

Height – 39 ½ inches (85%)
Weight – 43.8 lbs (<95%) (he did have his shoes and jeans on that day, so I just wanted to make that known) BMI – you ready for this Sarah? 19.7! As I am with all of his appointments, I want to make sure weight isn’t an issue. His pediatrician is the same he has had since he was born so she knows how big he was when he was born. She has always told me that I can’t just go by his weight. He has his Daddy’s body type…….short and stocky. She said that although he is above the curve on the BMI chart, she is not worried about his weight at all. She said he is not overweight because she is considering his body type. She asked what he drank to which I replied “the only thing he drinks is 2% milk, water, and watered-down crystal light. She said that is good. I said he has fruits and veggies with every meal and he NEVER gets sweets. I have always been worried about giving him sweets and since my parents were with me at this appointment, my Dad piped in and said “Yeah, she is a really strict Mommy when it comes to sweets. She is mean and won’t let him have any” I really don’t want to start him down the path of eating that junk so he hardly ever gets any sweets. Call me what you want to call me, but he started off as a big baby and I do not want to be having conversations with his doctor down the road where I have to put my 6 or 7 year old on a diet because he is too heavy. I just feel like he doesn’t necessarily know what he is missing. It also makes it a better surprise when he actually gets to eat some sweets so that is what I focus on! The last thing before we left the doctor was his shot. He needed to get one shot and they decided to do it in his upper arm. They had him sit in my lap and I held him while they did it. She did the shot and Brody tensed up, looked down and just said “Oww!” He didn’t cry and did awesome. They put a bandaid on and sent us on our way.

I am posting this at work while I am taking a break so I will try and post some pictures from Brody’s birthday this weekend. In the mean time, I will leave you with this for a Friday. Brody doesn’t really like for me to take pictures of him anymore, but my Molly is a cheeser. She says “Cheese” when you take her picture and loves the camera. Hopefully that will stick. I will fill you in on her checkup in another post. Hope everyone has a happy Friday!

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

A Picture Says 1,000 Words!

Work is crazy busy, kids were sick last week, and this is how I have been feeling lately.......