Monday, April 21, 2008

One Month Check-Up

I took Brody to his one-month check up today. He weighs 13.6 lbs. I expected that he would weigh about 15 lbs., but I guess I estimated too high. They measured his length and his head circumference too. He is now 22 inches long and his head is 15 1/2 inches. When she plotted him on the growth chart, he is in the 97 percentile for his weight (haha!), 50th percent for his height, and 75 percentile for his head. Goodness! He got his Hepatitis B shot today too....I think it hurt me more than him. Other than that, he is all good! He goes back in another month and will get more shots. UGH!

So..yesterday, Ted got this idea that he wanted to take a picture of Brody as a sumo wrestler. So he got out the scissors and cut a diaper up (yes, he went that far) and put him in it. He was a good sport in the beginning, but then started to get a little fussy. I couldn't believe I was a part of this but I took a few pictures. The diaper didn't really work out that well because his goodies were hanging out. Last night when we were in bed, Ted said that he was going to try it again and cut the diaper a little differently. Poor Brody! The things we do to our kids. It was kind of funny, though. Here are a few pics.

1 comment:

Sarah said...

That is too funny. I can't wait to see more pictures. Brody is a really good sport. I am not looking forward to Samuel's 2 month appointment because he gets a ton of shots then. Yuck. Dave is going to that appointment with me. it will probably hurt Dave more then Samuel. Dave hates needles. I think I am just in denial. I will probably be freaking out too. I love all the pictures.