Brody has been in such a good mood for the last couple of days. He is looking at more things and does more than just eat, sleep and cry! He is going longer between feedings and seems to be really content, taking everything in. He seems to be such a happier baby than even a couple weeks ago. Even though he sleeps really well and only gets up once in the middle of the night, I bought a couple books about sleeping habits and how to make your child sleep for longer at night. The book highly recommends swaddling, which up until a couple of days ago, I thought Brody hated. We used to swaddle him from the arms down because I assumed that he hated having his arms swaddled because he would bust out of it. I just wasn't doing it right. I have a couple of blankets that make swaddling easier and have swaddled him completely for the past couple of days...what a difference! He seems much calmer now. He didn't really have a hard time going down at night, but we would have to sit in there and hold the pacifier in his mouth to get him to sleep. With his arms being free, he would knock it out and then cry until we put it back in. He doesn't sleep the whole night with the pacifier, but does like to have it when he goes to sleep. Now that he is swaddled, he doesn't knock it out and goes down much quicker. Hopefully, this will help him sleep longer at night! :) But since he only gets up once, I really can't complain! Here is a picture of him swaddled in his swing....he looks like a mummy!

Ted is leaving next Sunday for Hawaii for 3 weeks. UGH! He won't be back until June 7th or so. I go back to work on June 2nd and it really stinks that he is not going to be here for my first week back at work. It will be a crazy transition back into the working world, which I don't want to do, but hopefully, Brody will be cooperative and help me out while he is gone!! a mother's day and anniversary present.....I am going to be going to Hawaii for about a week before I go back to work!! It will be the hardest thing for me to leave Brody that long, but my parents are going to take care of him and we both have a Web cam so I will be able to see him everyday. I know that I will cry for the majority of my trip out there, but everyone keeps telling me that I should go because I am not sure when I will have this chance to do this again anytime soon since I am going back to work. Ted will be working most of the time, so I will be alone for a while, but where else would you rather be alone, laying out and reading books, than Hawaii! :) Hopefully, I will be able to have a good time! We will see!
Here are a few pictures of Brody from the last couple of days.....Tab was here and had him smiling up a storm.....

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