Tuesday, February 3, 2009

I Won and Funny Videos

So...I have been battling with our insurance company for the past couple of weeks over the medication that Brody takes for his reflux. He has been on this medication for the past 3 months and when I went to get it filled for the third time, my pharmacy told me that it was no longer covered. I called my insurance company the next day, was told it was a miscommunication error and that it was covered and that my pharmacy could refill it in a couple days, allowing the error correction in the system. My pharmacist called as well because she didn't quite understand what they were talking about and was told it was not covered. I then called again the next day, and during that hour phone conversation, was told it was covered for children up to 24 months and then was later told by someone else that it wasn't covered. After all of that, I filed an appeal and wrote a 2 page letter explaining the fact that he had been on this same medication, which has been working, for the past three months and now all of the sudden it wasn't covered. Apparently, they took this medication off the drug list as of 1/1/09, but was I informed? NO! Finally, I got a letter in the mail yesterday saying that they were covering this medication for him until next January and that they were sorry for any frustration this has caused! Thank the Lord! I am glad they finally covered it because it was such a hassle. But....all is good now! :)

Yesterday, I went with Tab and Kevin to their doctor's appointment and got to see little Mallory Mae on the ultrasound. They found out for sure it is a girl! :) She was moving all around and had her legs crossed at one point. So cute!! :) I am really happy for them! I know they wanted a boy, but they are just as excited for this little girl. We then went and picked out her furniture and decided on bedding. She is halfway through and Mallory will be here before we all now it! :)

Last night when we got home, I took the following two videos of Brody. The first one is him feeding himself. He is so funny when he does it because he hasn't quite mastered how to take the spoon from his mouth yet. He absolutely can put it in, but then just chews on it. The second video is of him in the bath. We have this little fish that will spray water. The other night, I was spraying it on him and he was laughing so hard. Although he didn't laugh quite as hard, he was still laughing at it. I wish I could just bottle up that little laugh of his! It definitely brightens my day! :)

1 comment:

Sarah said...

So cute. I love those little laughs too. Our boys are so similar. Samuel loves the bath and loves feeding himself too. Can you believe they are almost a year old? The time has flown by.