Saturday, November 28, 2009

Thanksgiving Holiday

So it is Saturday night and the 4 day weekend is almost over. Boo! We had a very nice Thanksgiving. It was just my parents, grandma, Ted, me and Brody and later that afternoon, Ethan. We had a very nice dinner and I have so much to be thankful for. I was completely wiped by the end of the night. We stayed inside all day on Friday. There was no way I was going to be heading out for any reason with the masses. We stayed in our pjs all day. I did feel a bit guilty, but just didn't feel like doing anything else.

Today, Ethan, Brody, and I went shopping this afternoon. Since Ethan did so well on his report card (he got 3 As and 3 Bs...YAY!), we gave him some money that he wanted to spend today. So, we headed out. It was actually less crowded than I thought. I did finish some christmas shopping, which made me feel good. We only have 3 weeks left until the baby arrives and I feel like I have so much to do. I realize I don't, but it is just small things from here on out and I just need to get them done.

Here are some pictures from this past weekend. Hope everyone had a wonderful holiday weekend! :)

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Friday, November 13, 2009


The weather the past few days has been horrible. We had a nor'easter come through and dumped about 7-10+ inches of rain in most parts of our area. Luckily, our house or roads weren't too bad, and neither were my parents. I do have some co-workers that were flooded in and not able to leave the house yesterday. The weather is still pretty bad today, but I am hoping that it will start to make its way out of here soon. I am supposed to go up to Tab's tomorrow so I am hoping the roads won't be too bad. Ted's going to meet me up there Sunday morning so he can spend a few hours with Brody before he heads back out in the woods. His hunt club is about an hour away so it will be pretty close for him.

I had a doctor's appointment this morning. Basically, I have been having contractions for the past couple of weeks and my doc told me this morning that I need to go if they get worse. He said since I am 34 weeks, they will not stop me if I go into labor. At my last couple of visits, I have been measuring about 2 weeks ahead, but today, I actually measured right on schedule. I said maybe she will be more petite than her brother. Of course, anything smaller than 10 lbs. 11 oz. will be considered petite in my book! She is head down ready to go. I asked him about my glucose test results. I didn't get a call so of course, I assumed I passed the one hour one and wouldn't have to take the 3 hour one (which I had to do with Brody). He said I passed by 2 points. I asked him if that was an issue and he said nope...nothing to worry about. I also told him I am nervous about the c-section considering I started getting sick in the middle and didn't stop until 6 hours later. He said they will hook me up with some good stuff so that doesn't happen again. Thank goodness! That was my only complaint about the c-section. Other than that, I am thankful I did it because there was no way Brody would have come on his own!

So, come Monday, we have 5 weeks left. I am officially on countdown! Her room is just about finished. I have washed all her clothes and the only thing I have left to do is put up her wall stuff, back our bag for the hospital, and wash a few more things. When I did her laundry earlier this week, it was weird pulling out little pink outfits from the dryer. I am so used to pulling out boy clothes. I am super excited for her arrival, but nervous at the same time. Having a baby-baby in the house will be so weird. Brody is now a little boy......he is grown up so much that sometimes I get emotional thinking about how fast the time has gone by. I am so happy, yet sad, all at the same time!

Sunday, November 8, 2009


Tonight, I was trying to get a video of Brody and Ted when they read the dinosaur book together. Unfortunately, they had already read the book once before I could get the camera so it didn't work out. But, I am bound and determined to get that on video because it is hilarious.

I did get the following video of Brody telling me his signature phrase - "peace out." It was pretty funny. Also, here is a random picture of Ethan before he went hunting with Ted on Saturday. He is growing up so fast.

So, today we went and bought a new kitchen table. We currently have a table with 4 chairs, but since we are expecting the 5th member of our family, we figured it was time to upgrade. Plus, it also stinks when we have people over and we all can't sit down to eat together. So, we had checked out a few places and settled on one with 8 chairs. Ethan said "8 chairs...why do we need that many." Tab then compared me to the old lady in the shoe "with so many children, she didn't know what to do!" But with 8 chairs, we will definitely have enough for when my parents come over and when Chris and Rick move back here, they can come too! :)

On another note, Ted left tonight for his hunting trip. He is heading up to Charlottesville, which is about 3 hours away and he is supposed to be gone for 2 weeks. I have him on high alert in case something happens. I have a feeling this little girl is going to be unpredictable. I have been having contractions (albeit, Braxton Hicks) pretty much every day and my lower back is starting to hurt. On Friday, we tried to get a 4D ultrasound of her, but she wasn't cooperating. She was in a ball pretty much the whole time and at one point, she was grabbing her shins with her hands. I have a feeling she is definitely going to be a fiesty little girl. We are scheduled to go back in 2 weeks and see what happens then.

I am off to watch Brothers and Sisters from last week before the new episode comes on tonight. I love that show!

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Parent-Teacher Conference and H1N1

Yesterday was my first of many parent-teacher conferences for Brody. I find it pretty funny that we had one for a 19 month old, but in any case, I am glad they involve the parents and take the time out to do them. Ted met me there and they went over a development assessment they did for Brody at 18 months and he is doing everything he should be, plus more, for his age. They are always commenting about how well he speaks for his age and the teachers and administrators always tell me that he talks way more and more clearer than the other kids in his class. My first reaction is Uh-oh! Looks like he has taken after his mother in being the talkative one. My parents received many a report cards with "talks too much during class." But in any case, he is doing super! His teacher also commented that of course, he is having a few issues with sharing, which are age appropriate behaviors, but they are still working with him. We are doing the same thing at home. All in all, it was a good report and it looks like my little man is super smart and doing really well!

On another note, I received a call from my OB's office stating they got the H1N1 vaccines in and called to see if I would like to come in an receive one. I was taken completely off guard because I wasn't expecting them to get them at all and haven't been able to find them anywhere in our area. I initially scheduled the appointment for 12:00 (they called around 10:30) but initially started freaking out, worrying about whether it was the right decision or not. I called them back and rescheduled this afternoon to give me more time to think about it. Although, from everything I am reading and from the advice I am getting from everyone, I think I am going to go ahead and get it. I think the risks of getting the H1N1 weigh the risks of not getting it, plus from what I have read, it will protect Baby Girl for the first 6 months as well. So my appointment is at 4:15 and as long as I don't chicken out, I should be vaccinated by this evening!