Friday, November 13, 2009


The weather the past few days has been horrible. We had a nor'easter come through and dumped about 7-10+ inches of rain in most parts of our area. Luckily, our house or roads weren't too bad, and neither were my parents. I do have some co-workers that were flooded in and not able to leave the house yesterday. The weather is still pretty bad today, but I am hoping that it will start to make its way out of here soon. I am supposed to go up to Tab's tomorrow so I am hoping the roads won't be too bad. Ted's going to meet me up there Sunday morning so he can spend a few hours with Brody before he heads back out in the woods. His hunt club is about an hour away so it will be pretty close for him.

I had a doctor's appointment this morning. Basically, I have been having contractions for the past couple of weeks and my doc told me this morning that I need to go if they get worse. He said since I am 34 weeks, they will not stop me if I go into labor. At my last couple of visits, I have been measuring about 2 weeks ahead, but today, I actually measured right on schedule. I said maybe she will be more petite than her brother. Of course, anything smaller than 10 lbs. 11 oz. will be considered petite in my book! She is head down ready to go. I asked him about my glucose test results. I didn't get a call so of course, I assumed I passed the one hour one and wouldn't have to take the 3 hour one (which I had to do with Brody). He said I passed by 2 points. I asked him if that was an issue and he said nope...nothing to worry about. I also told him I am nervous about the c-section considering I started getting sick in the middle and didn't stop until 6 hours later. He said they will hook me up with some good stuff so that doesn't happen again. Thank goodness! That was my only complaint about the c-section. Other than that, I am thankful I did it because there was no way Brody would have come on his own!

So, come Monday, we have 5 weeks left. I am officially on countdown! Her room is just about finished. I have washed all her clothes and the only thing I have left to do is put up her wall stuff, back our bag for the hospital, and wash a few more things. When I did her laundry earlier this week, it was weird pulling out little pink outfits from the dryer. I am so used to pulling out boy clothes. I am super excited for her arrival, but nervous at the same time. Having a baby-baby in the house will be so weird. Brody is now a little boy......he is grown up so much that sometimes I get emotional thinking about how fast the time has gone by. I am so happy, yet sad, all at the same time!

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