Hope everyone had a good Easter! We sure did. The weather was beautiful all weekend. I absolutely love when it is warm enough to open the windows, but not scorching hot where you are thinking about turning the A/C on. We had a nice breeze blowing through the house!
On Saturday, we went to Tab's Mom and Grandma's house for an Easter egg hunt! Brody didn't know what to expect, but he was excited about going. Ethan was there and Brody was happy to see him (as he always is!) He talks about him alot when he is not here! Once we got there, I went out and hid the easter eggs in the backyard and we all headed outside. Since it was so nice, we put Molly on a sheet on the grass and she was doing good for a little bit. But, it was close to feeding time, plus I think she got a little hot, so she was not a happy camper. Brody had the best time! Unfortunately, I broke our camera Saturday morning before we left, so I couldn't get any pictures, but Tab took some and I will post them once I get them from her. I was really mad about breaking my camera, but I looked online at Best Buy and the newer version of ours is not that expensive so I think I am going to go get it this week. I absolutely CAN NOT function without a camera. Anyway, we ended up eating some yummy dinner there and headed home around 5:30.
Then yesterday, my parents went and got my grandma and brought her over for Easter dinner at my house. Well.....the actually dinner was at my house, but my parents brought the food! Isn't that sad? I had to go to the grocery store so I waited until my parents got there so I didn't have to take the kiddies with me. When I got back, Brody was up and of course kept us entertained. He is so funny.....and he makes me smile everyday! He has been doing much better about listening and he has been really good for the past couple of weeks. We have only had a few issues, but even those weren't bad!
So, today I am working from home and enjoying the nice day with the windows open. Molly is right next to me, fast asleep in her swing! I am proud to say that for the past two nights, she has slept from 8:00 to 7:00! She is such a good sleeper and an all around good baby! She is just so relaxed and she is starting to develop her personality as well. She is always smiling and she talks soo much! I love to here her coo and squeal when she gets exciting. Plus, she is now an official roller! She rolled over for the first time a couple weeks ago, but didn't rally try much since then. Well, Thursday, my Mom called and said that she rolled over again and had done it 4 times since then. Well, I saw it alot this weekend. Still pretty interesting that she rolls from her back to her belly, but she is doing it alot! She doesn't like tummy time as much so she of course gets frustrated when she is on her belly too long. But, she is definitely coming into her own and I am so glad to be her Momma! :)
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