Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Just Say No to Drugs!

I think as mothers, all of us will have one experience or another that will scare the shit out of us and that moment will be forever ingrained in our brain until the next experience happens. For example, my first experience was when Brody rolled right off the ottoman in his room one night after I had given him a bath. He was not a big roller up to that point, but that was the night he decided to really give it a go and he rolled right off onto the floor. I could have sworn he broke something, but I think I felt worse than he did. That experience was soon replaced with the time I accidentally grabbed the petroleum jelly from his basket and proceeded to put it on his toothbursh to brush his teeth, thinking it was toothpaste. That was until I realized, after I brushed his teeth, and I put that cap back on just what I had done. That was my first, and hopefully only time, of calling the Poison control hotline. Luckily, they said the amount was not large enough to cause a reaction and all was right in the world. I could go on, but you get the drift......

Well, I have to say that yesterday probably trumped all of those horrible experiences........combined. Let me back up!

Late last week, Brody started complaining that his mouth hurt. He would stick a finger in his mouth, point to his tongue and the back of his throat and say "mouth hurt Mommy!" Well, considering that his top 2 year molars have broke through the skin, and the fact that he has been drooling like crazy, I was assuming it was his bottom set. I looked in his mouth and they didn't look red, but just assumed that is what they had to be. Starting Friday night, he was waking up alot throughout the night and would cry not a normal "Oh, I woke up...now what cry?" This was a "I am in some serious pain cry!" Sometimes, he wouldn't even be really awake all the way when we would go in there. Needless to say, we were pretty tuckered out. Since our Anniversary was Friday, my parents came over on Saturday night to watch the kiddies while Ted and I went out to dinner. Like normal, he would be fine during the day, with the occasional mention of his mouth hurting, but once he fell asleep, it was no telling how many times he would wake up. On Sunday, my girlfriend Melissa had a cookout and we headed over there for some fun and sun. Again, all was well. When we got home, he fell right asleep, which I assumed was from the sun exposure and actully joked with Ted saying that we should take him over there everyday if he would zonk out like that.

Ted fell asleep around 7:30 and I wasn't tired so I stayed up and read some of my book (which is by my favorite author, Emily Giffin...it is called Heart of the Matter and it is really good! Love, Love, Love her). Anyway, around 9:00-9:30, he started crying so I headed in there and did the normal routine of getting him back in bed and he went back to sleep. That continued about every 15-20 minutes until I finally went to bed around 11:00. From then on, I could not tell you how many times we both got up until I finally decided to go in there and sleep on the floor in his room. I could tell that trying to swallow was painful because when he would, he would start to cry. He was completely restless and could not get comfortable so he and I both had very little sleep that night.

On Monday morning,we looked in his mouth again, and the back of his throat was red and his tonsils were huge. I told Ted that I wasn't about to wait to take him to the doctor today so we decided to take him the Children's Hospital to get checked out. Ted stayed at home with Molly, who has of course, been her usually fabulous and laid back self through all of this, and everyday of her life since she was born, and I went and scooped up my Mom so she could go with me. We got checked in and Brody seemed fine. They tooks his vitals, checked his temp (no temp) and we headed back to the room to wait for the doctor. We waited for about 45 minutes or so, and in that time frame, Brody went from being his normal self, to lethargic and feverish, back to being his normal self. Finally, the doctor came in and checked him out. After examining him from head to toe, she said that he his tonsils were extremely red and swollen, which she diagnosed as viral pharyngities, or tonsillitis, and he had an ear infection. So, I asked her if there was anything she could give us to help get rid of the tonsillitis and she unfortunately, it needed to run its course. She did ask if we were giving him Tylenol and I told her yes, and she said that they could give him a stronger pain medicine, but that was about it. So, the head doc came in and checked him out as well and he said the same thing.

So, the decision was to give him Zithromax for his ear infection and then give him Motrin every 6 hours and they were going to give him a prescription for Tylenol with hyrdocodone in it to help with the pain at night. Considering my reaction to any type of pain medicine, I asked them if he would have any issues. They said they couldn't guarantee that he wouldn't but they really didn't know. We decided not to wait to give him the first dose at night and they gave him one while were at the hospital. That was around 11:00 am. We were waiting to get discharged and he was fine while we waited. I was expecting him to start to get sleepy at any point, considering the drugs they gave him plus that fact that it was getting ready to be nap time. They finally discharged us around 12:00 and he was starting to get quiet and sleepy. We headed to the car and I told my mom that we would stop and get him something to eat so he could eat in the car and then once we got him, I could put him straight to bed.

Well, we got McDonald's and my mom was in the back with him feeding him his food. We got about 10 minutes down the road and she said "Oh my God....Brody, Brody?" I looked in the rear view mirror and he was dripping with sweat. He looked like he had just gotten out of the bath tub. Then, as my Mom was trying to get his attention, he had this glazed over look and he could barely focus on her. Then, the next thing we know, he starts gagging and throwing up. I immediately pulled the car over, started freaking out, and grabbed him out of his car seat, as he proceeded to throw up again. I got him out, stripped him down, and there we were standing in a not so great part of town, with my baby boy standing in only a diaper and his sandles, while I am on the phone with the ER. I could hardly talk I was freaking out. He was really unsteady on his feet and he told me he was going to "froke up again!" He then got sick again and again. They connected me to the doctor we saw and she said that chances are, he was having a reaction to the pain meds and that unfortunately, there was really nothing we could do except comfort him and let him get it all out. She said he was lethargic from the meds as well and the medicine was supposed to last for 4-6 hours. She knew that I was taking him home to take a nap and she that was probably the best thing for him and that once he woke up, he should feel better.

Well, he was doing a little better once we started heading home again, and he didn't throw up anymore in the car. Once we got inside, Ted was in the kitchen and Brody and I walked over to him. He looked at me and said "froke up again, Mommy" and proceeded to get sick all over the kitchen floor. I could not even imagine what was going through his head at the time, but I felt so sorry for him. He looked so pitiful and just looked like he felt like he had been run over by a mack truck. I took upstairs and bathed him and asked if he was feeling better. He said yes and then I laid him down for a nap, with a bucket beside his bed, hoping he completely understood me and would use it if he needed to. His eyes were closed and he as zonked out before I even left the room.

He was down and asleep at 1:00 and I woke him up at 4:30. He is normally a restless sleeper and is constantly moving around his bed when he sleeps. Well, not yesterday......he hardly moved at all. I know I could have left him sleeping, but I didn't want it to interfere with him going to bed last night. He ended up going right to sleep around 7:00 and woke up at 9:00, 1:00 and then 6:00 this morning. Not too bad considering the nights we have had.

Ted stayed home with him today and said that he was pretty much acting normal so I think we are going to take him to school tomorrow. He doesn't have a fever and isn't contagious so he should be fine.

So, that was my latest scare. I am sure there will be many more to come, but of course, I really don't want to think about that right now. I am just happy that it was not more serious and that he was feeling better pretty quickly. Okay...this post was way too long....I am off to watch some TV before bed.

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