At night, we have started letting him watch a little bit of TV before he goes to bed. We were noticing that when we would put him down at night, he wouldn't actually fall asleep until 1 hour a half later. In that time, there were a couple of times where he would get up and cry for us, but he would go right back to bed. We have a gate in his doorway, which I think we have decided that we are going to take down soon. I want him to start learning to stay in his room without having to barricade him in there. It worked good when we first started the big boy bed, but now I think he needs to be able to learn how to stay in his room, even if there is an opportunity to get out. We will see how that goes! Here is a cute picture of him that I took last week. I swear, this picture sums him up perfectly.............he is happy about 90% of the day and I love it!
Now, update on Molly. In my last post, I said she was starting to move around. Well, I think she is moments away from actually crawling. She gets up on her hands and knees and will rock, but then throw herself forward and use her legs and army crawl to where she wants to go. Well, she is now starting to move her arms forward, with her belly off the floor, but hasn't quite mastered how to move her knees. She can also now get into the sitting position from laying down. She has always tried, and I know she is getting a good ab workout, but she now has accomplished that task. Seriously, where does the time go? I can't believe my little baby girl can now sit up on her own and is super close to crawling. It is exciting and depressing at the same time! And to say she is happy all the time is an understatement! She is the most laid back, happy baby I have ever seen. I know it is hard to believe, and truse me, I have been waiting for the other side to come out, but it hasn't! She is always smiling and laughing............she has such an awesome personality!
When I went to the doctor a couple weeks ago, I asked her if I wasn't feeding her enough. It is so weird because with Brody, I was always worried about feeding him too much, and with her I worry that I am not feeding her enough. Of course, the doctor told me not to worry about it. She said that if she is content between feedings and doesn't seem to be hungry, then don't worry about it. Right now, we feed her some cereal and a half of Stage 1 fruit in the morning with a 4 oz. bottle. For lunch, she gets half a Stage 1 vegetable and Stage 1 fruit and a 4 oz. bottle and for dinner, she gets half a Stage 1 vegetable and a 4 oz. bottle (she hardly ever finishes that bottle completely, but we still offer it to her). Then at night, before bed, she gets another bit of cereal and a 5 oz. bottle. I know that is probably much more information than anyone else needs to know, but part of me is writing this so I can look back and remember. I know that at this point, I was feeding Brody much more than that, but I guess I have to consider that Brody was about 8 lbs. heavier than her at this age. Similar to what I have done before, I have posted a comparison of Brody and Molly at 7 months. They definitely look related, but look a lot different to me! Her head is much, much smaller than his, and their eyes are shaped different.
Ethan has been with us for the last month and a half and it has been great! I love having him around and also seeing him interact with his brother and sister. He is such a lovebug with Molly, and plays with her a lot. I have seen him pick her up more in the last month and a half than he has picked Brody up in his whole life! Brody and Ethan are already starting to bicker, and a part of me things it is hilarious. Ethan gets irritated when Brody goes in his room or gets things that he isn't supposed to, and Brody will tell Ethan to get away when Ethan starts bothering him. But then, they have these moments that really show how much both of them love each other. I am so glad that Brody has such a great big brother to play with! I only wish Ethan could stay longer, but I know that he misses his mom and I know she misses him so he will be heading back probably next weekend.
Which brings me to the fact that my sister is moving back home! I am so excited I can't stand it! She will be here next weekend and then will be moving a couple weeks after that. It will be great to have her so close again. And by close, I mean super close......atleast to my parents. She is moving into a condo in my parents neighborhood! She is literally in the next pod over from them. I told them that they should probably go ahead and change the locks because she will constantly be over there! (Just kidding Chris! I mean I really did say that, but you know I am joking with ya!) It will just be nice to have her home! I can't wait.
Anyway, that is enough for my long post. I guess I better get to work! Happy Friday All!
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