Yesterday, I took Molly to the doctor for her 9 month checkup. Here are her stats:
Weight - 20.0 lbs. (50-75 percentile)
Length - 28 inches (50-75 percentile)
Head - 17 inches (25 percentile)
So, her weight and height are pretty proportionate, but her head is still on the small end. It is crazy because her head doesn't look considerably smaller or disproportionate to her body. Poor thing....she carries all her weight in her thighs right now. Her upper body is small, but her thighs are huge! She is right on the verge of walking though. She is constantly pulling up and has mastered standing on her own without holding on to anything. I am just waiting for the day she takes a few steps. It will be soon.
So, I mentioned a couple of posts ago that I got their pictures taken a couple weeks ago. Here are some of the pics. Poor Molly, she was starting to get sick that morning so a few of the pictures, you can tell because her eyes are red, but she did pretty fantastic during the photo shoot. Brody, of course, was the more difficult one. He would not just smile......he was doing this weird thing with his tongue every time they tried to take a picture. Anyway, I was pleased with these pics and I think they turned out great! (Grandma Crumb - I have some for you that I will either send to you or give you when you get here. You let me know which you would rather me do!)
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