Okay…it has been almost a month since my last post and there is lots going on.
First, the good news. Ted and I are going on vacation! We are heading to Cancun for about a week at the end of this month for our anniversary and I can not wait! We will be celebrating our 6th wedding anniversary on May 28th! It seems like we have been married longer than that! My parents are going to watch the kids that week for us. Ted and I have both said we are not planning anything except relaxing, beaching and pooling it, drinking, and sleeping! Ahhh………sounds so nice. I know I will miss the kiddies though, but they will be in good hands. In 18 days, we will be here!!
Now on to the bad news. We are all sick! That is everyone except Ted. Not sure how he escaped that one. Last week, Brody was coughing, mostly at night, and I thought it was just his allergies acting up. He is like his Daddy in that respect. When the pollen gets bad around here, which it has been the last month, their allergies are real bad. On Saturday morning, he was laying with me and I could hear him wheezing so I decided to take him to the doctor. Unfortunately, we couldn’t get in with my doctor’s office so they told me considering his symptoms to take him the urgent care. We got there, they did a chest x-ray, said that looked good and gave him an overall check up. They said they couldn’t see anything that would be causing it so they said he might have just picked up a virus and it would have to run its course. Then Sunday morning, I got a call from them and they said the radiologist ended up looking at his chest x-ray and said he had the beginnings of pneumonia. I couldn’t believe it. I couldn’t believe that the doctor at the urgent care missed it. I thought something else might have been wrong and should have trusted my “Mommy instinct” They told me they were going to call in an antibiotic and that he needed to start using his inhaler again. So we did that and he seemed to be better on Monday morning.
I got the kids ready on Monday morning for school, dropped them off and headed to work. Got to work around 8:00 and sure enough, at 9:02, I got a call from the kids’ school. It was Molly’s teacher asking me to give her a call. I wasn’t sure what was up…figured she had just gotten hurt or fell or something. Nope! When I called, they said Molly was running a 101 fever and she was fussy ever since I left. I thought that was strange because she was absolutely fine that morning! She didn’t give me any inclination that she wasn’t feeling good. My mom went and picked her up and kept her for the day. When I headed home from work, I left a little late and told Ted to keep her up because I wanted to see her. My mom said she was fine in the morning, but in the afternoon, she was running a fever again and was real clingy. When I got home, I almost cried. She looked horrible. When my little girl doesn’t feel good, it is written all over her face. She gets dark circles under her eyes and she just looks beat down. I swooped her up and she was burning up. I took her temp and sure enough…it was 102. She was breathing real funky and I was worried about her getting pneumonia since the last time, she got it right after Brody. So I decided to take her to the doc. Since I was still pissed with our urgent care, I took her to the ER at Children’s Hospital for them to check her out. When we got there, she was running a 104 fever and they immediately gave her a Tylenol suppository. Poor thing! When we got back to the room, all she did was lay on me, sweating up a storm. The doc checked her out and said her lungs sounded fine and that she was probably just fighting a virus. Luckily we were in and out of there by 8:00. On the way home, I was joking with my Mom, who was so gracious to come with me, that Molly has never been in the car and not home in her bed after 7:00-7:30 in her life! Crazy! Anyway, she ended up staying home all week and today was her first day back at school. Considering it is now 3:00 and I haven’t gotten a call, I consider it a success.
Yesterday, she had her ENT appointment scheduled because her pediatrician said she needed to be seen since she was having recurring ear infections and persistent fluid in her ear. When we were at the ER the other night, the doctor did say something to me about her right ER and when I mentioned that we had the ENT appointment this week, he decided not to do anything about it. The first part of her appointment was a hearing test. The first thing they do is a tympanogram, which I wrote about in a previous blog. This test assesses the movement of her ear drum. She failed both ears at her pediatrician’s office, but luckily, this time she only failed on the right side. The next thing they did was the actual hearing test. They had her sit on my lap and made noises in speakers to her left and right. She did really good with that, but they said that they think she is hearing more out of her left than her right. She might have minor hearing loss in her right ear, which is caused from the fluid sitting behind her ear drum. Once we got called back to see the doctor, a resident came in first to assess her situation. He took a peek at her ears and then decided he needed to clean them out. My poor baby was screaming her little heart out the entire time. I felt so bad for her. I finally had to have Ted hold her because I couldn’t do it anymore. Not only was I emotional, but she was making me sweat! The doc came in and said that considering we are going into the summer months, which means it is not ear infection “season” he wanted to give her a little bit of time to see if the fluid goes away on its own. He said it generally happens in 9 out of 10 children. She has a follow-up appointment on June 30th to see what has gone on and if the fluid hasn’t gone away, she will probably need tubes. UGH! We avoided this bullet with Brody and I was hoping the same thing would happen with Molly, but not sure. Hopefully the fluid will disappear and all will be good. We shall see.
Now, I am not feeling so hot. I stayed home with Molly on Tuesday and on Wednesday, I started to have a sore throat and a cough. It has stayed around and while it doesn’t seem to be getting worse, it isn’t getting better. If it is not gone by next week, I will be heading to the doctor to get some meds so I can be good and healthy for our trip.
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