Sunday, July 17, 2011

Not funny....but I had to post

Okay...the parent in me does not think this is funny, but the other part of me is in disbelief and had to post this. Brody is a very precocious child. I think the child has been cursed with my smart mouth and it really scares the crap out of me. Here are two conversations we had this weekend: 1 on Friday after school, and 1 on Saturday.

I picked up Brody and Molly from school. Brody had a note in his cubby from his teacher that said that he had a rough day on Friday. He wasn't listening and she asked that we speak to him about hitting his friends. Brody never hits his friends so I was definitely taken a back.

Me: Brody - what happened today? Ms. Kendra said you weren't listening and you hit your friends.
Brody: Well, Alex pinched me.
Me: You know you aren't supposed to hit your friends. You know better than that. Why did you get in trouble for not listening?
Brody: I did listen to my teachers.
Me: Well, apparently you weren't listening or else I wouldn't have gotten this note.
Brody: Well, apparently I was!

We took the kids to my girlfriend's daughters party at the local children's museum. When we passed the park at the front of our neighborhood, Brody asked if we could got to the park.

Brody: Mommy, can we go play at the park?
Me: Not right now, we need to get home and start dinner. Maybe another day.
Brody: Why Mommy?
Ted: Because we said not right now.....
Brody: Daddy, I wasn't talking to you....I was talking to Mommy. Mommy why?

Both Ted and I sat there with our mouths wide open. We were in shock that he actually said that. I am not sure what we are going to do with him..........He has been so good for so long, but this week, he has had a hard time listening at both school and home. I am hoping this is a short-term thing and he straightens up soon.

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