Wednesday, December 7, 2011

A couple of Firsts for Molly

So yesterday was a milestone for Molly....good and bad!

She got her first timeout and she also peed on the potty for the first time!!

First....her timeout experience......

She has always been a good listener. At this age, Brody was already starting to get timeouts because he heard me when I told him to do something, but would do it on his terms. Well....guess who is starting to the same. Normally, we have been able to tell her something, maybe twice, and she ends up doing it. Lately, it is with her and the DVDs that we are having an issue. In our TV stand, she likes to open the cabinets and take the DVDs out. She got in trouble for that a couple of times this weekend. Well, last night, she wasn't listening when we asked her to get out of the kitchen while we were cooking. So after telling her for the third time, Ted took her to timeout. Whew! That was an experience. She wouldn't sit and would not stop crying! After about 5 minutes of Ted sitting there with her, I finally went over there and poor thing had the "yuckas" (when you can't catch your breath after crying so hard). She sat there for me and I told her why she was in timeout and she calmed right down. After about a minute, I finally let her get out and she was much better. Ted said that she reminded him a little of Ethan when he was younger because he was so stubborn sometimes when you tried to discipline him. We both said that Brody was never like that. Now when he goes into timeout, the first thing he says is "I want to listen....can I listen Mommy?" even when he may not have had an issue with listening to put him there in the first place! Anyway, that was our timeout experience.

Now for the more exciting part! She peed on the potty!! She has been obsessed with sitting on the potty for a while and constantly says she has to pee, but when we put her on the potty, nothing happens. Last night, before her bath, she said she needed to pee, like always, so we put her on there! Well....lo and behold, she tinkled.....just a little bit, but still.....she tinkled! We were so excited and she started to get a shy look on her face. I don't think she knew what to think. Even Brody was cheering for her. It was pretty cute! Hopefully, this is the start of something because I can tell you that I am tired of buying diapers for her!!! I am hoping she will be just as easy as Brody to potty train. Once he got, he really got it!!

Here are a couple of cute pictures of my little princess!! I can't believe she will be 2 years old on Sunday!!!

My girlfriend Connie watched the kiddies for me one day so I could work and she bought her a dress up kit, with a skirt, tiara, jewlery, purse, and furry little heels! She loved it. Here she is sporting her bling!!!

I love how she is looking up at Connie's son Jack......her prince! :)

And finally, here is a picture (of a picture) of the kid's school picture. They turned out great. I had a hard time picking the ones I wanted. They had a couple poses of each of them separately and two of them together!!

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