Happy Mother's Day! I want to say this especially to my mother who is the best role model I could have asked for. I have already told my mother this, but I really never knew the depth of her love until I had my own kids and I love her so much! I also want to wish my mother-in-law a special Happy Mother's Day. I know she hates that she can't be here to be near her grandkids, but hopefully that will change soon. And don't worry.....they have not forgotten their Mia!
So last night we had a major transition in this house.....for Molly and for me! She slept in her big girl bed for the first time and did awesome!! I had to work yesterday and when I got home, Ted was about half done converting her bed/room and I almost fainted! I mean....we talked about doing this for a couple months now, but I was hesitating a little because that means that was the last crib in our house! She is my last one (reluctantly by me) and I admit that I was holding on a little longer than I should have to the crib. But...really....she never tried to climb out and I think she was as distraught as I was when she actually went to bed last night.
So...we did our normal routine.....bath, book, and then she laid with me for a few minutes in the rocking chair in her room. When it was time to lay her down, she laid right down, but when I covered her up like I normally do and walk out, she started crying. Ted thought I was crazy, but I was going to see if she would give up her paci (or papi as she calls it) since she was in the big girl bed, but I was going with the motto "don't offer...don't refuse" So I didn't offer it to her, but before long, she asked for it so I thought that would give her some comfort. I sat next to her bed for about 10 minutes just rubbing her back and getting her to calm down. The funny thing is that she never tried to get out of the bed. She just laid there and cried. Finally, I decided to be brave and leave and while she was still crying, she was starting to calm down and still...never tried to get out. By the time I got downstairs, I looked in the monitor and she grabbed her blanket up near her head and was out. This is what I saw:
She slept all night....no problem and while she was awake when we went and got her for breakfast, she was still laying in her bed. She is such a good girl and like Tab and I always say....we always get worried about transitions and how our children will adjust....but they always surprise us and end up having no issues with transitions.
And now....for my middle child (Brody that is....). We have been having some issues with listening lately and he has gotten a little sassy with talking back. It has probably been for the last week or so, but still....I am hoping it is just a brief phase. So, on Wednesday, he got in trouble in school and I had told him that if he got in trouble, he was going to go straight to bed after bath and not be able to watch TV. So, Wednesday, he went straight to bed. Of course, for the first 30 minutes or so, he cried and then finally calmed down and fell asleep. So the next morning, I told him the same thing.....and that day, he had a note from one of the teachers to his main teacher saying Brody would not listen to her and that he was being disruptive. So....same thing. Except this time, he went straight to bed with no crying. I think he actually laid there for 2 hours before he finally fell asleep.
So, now on Friday, again....we had many discussions and I told him that he needed to listen (yet again). Well...I called his school around 3:30 and talked to his teacher. She said that while he had a better day that day, he was still not listening. She said he was not being "her Brody" I swear...I love his teacher. She has always said that Brody is her "go to" guy because he knows the rules and he is always so helpful. So of course, it broke my hear that she said "What is going on with my Brody. This is not like him" Of course, I told her I didn't know but I was going to do my best to make sure we rectified this situation. She said "We will overcome this and we will work together on it!" I do love that woman....I will be sad when he ends up moving to the next class.
So...this weekend, he has been awesome! We told him he had to earn his stuff back and he has done an awesome job with listening and doing what he is told. So....we shall see what the week brings! Hopefully.....this past week was a fluke.....
Anyway, I hope all the Mommy's out there have a great day!
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