Monday, October 8, 2012


I decided that I would update my blog today and how said is it that I had like 3 drafts of previous posts that I never finished.  I apparently started a few and then never finished them for some reason, and therefore, did not post them.  So sad.....I really hate that I have done that.  I really commend folks that are able to keep their blog updated.  I just never seem to have time.  However, now that work slowed down for a minute (and I literally mean a minute), thought I would provide an update.

Everyone is doing fantastic.  Ethan started high school this year (CRAZY!) and is part of the JV football team.  He is second string and doesn't play much, but it is really exciting when he does.  I haven't had a chance to go to many of his games, but apparently he played last weekend.  This is him....#35.....he plays outside linebacker.  Crazy to think he plays any position that includes the word "linebacker".....I never guessed him for that position.  I always pictured them as big guys, but what do I know?

Anyway....still can't believe he is in high school.  He is just a smidge taller than me and still growing!  He has turned into a handsome young man!  In just a few short years, he will be driving.  Dear God, give me strength!

Brody is in Pre-K and has homework every night, with the exception of Fridays.  I mean....really?  I didn't realize homework started this early.  Every day, they have a word of the day and he has to trace the word every night twice, and do some type of activity.  Either sing a song, draw a picture and color it, or something else.  He is so smart and amazes me with all he knows every day!  I can't believe that next year he will be starting kindergarten.  Time flies entirely too fast for my liking.  even though we have our moments where his listening is not spot on, he is so well behaved and makes me one proud Mama!  He still gets the occasional time-out (some days more than others), but overall, I really can't complain.  His personality is great...he is constantly smiling and laughing, and I just said last night that I really wish I could bottle up his laughter.  It is the best sound ever!

He and Molly are the best of friends, fighting one minute, and loving on each other the next.  Whatever he does, she is not far behind.  Of course, he loves to put on his Spiderman costume from last Halloween, and of course, she had to get her Minnie Mouse costume out and put it on.  This was them yesterday...Halloween circa 2011.  They are such cuties though!

Yesterday, my parents came over for dinner and brough 4 little pumpkins for the kiddies to carve.  One for Brody and Molly, and then one for Anthony and Ashleigh.  Brody started his while Molly was still down for her nap.  Here he is with Pop-Pop.....

Once Molly got up from her nap, we finished Brody's and started on hers.  Here they are posing for the camera, waiting patiently.  Molly looks so grown up in this picture (atleast to me she does).

Well, once we got done with Brody's, he put the electric candle in it and we turned the lights off to see it glow.  The picture below shows exactly how my daughter reacted to that!

Have no clue why she was so scared, but luckily, it was short-lived and she got over it pretty quickly.  Here they are with their newly carved pumpkins.  Costumes are ordered and pumpkins are carved.....we are ready for Halloween!

More on Molly....she is officially potty trained....atleast during the day.  We have not started the nights yet, but during the day, she is free from diapers and has done an amazing job the last month or so!  We are so proud.  I was one of the lucky ones who had 2 easy kids to potty train.  I think it was God's way of being nice since Ethan was so horrible to potty train.  In any case, we are officially diaper-free.  Just need to get rid of the pull-ups and that is it!

Well...that is all for October 2012.  Hopefully my next post will be before 2013! HA!

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