Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Brody-less Tonight

So...I am Brody-less tonight and it is really strange being in the house without him here. I had an appointment tonight after work and I wasn't sure what time I was going to get home so my we decided that he would stay at my parents house so as not to disrupt his schedule at night. I am all alone and it is completely weird! Although, I did get a chance to run up to the mall to exchange a shirt that I have been trying to exchange for the past 3 weeks and haven't had a chance to. That was nice! So, I decided to try and work a little bit tonight and get some stuff done so I won't have to do it tomorrow. Other than that, I am going to watch So You Think You Can Dance (which is my absolute favorite show right now) and catch up on some other shows that I have Tivo'd.

I am keeping my fingers crossed that Brody will be good for my parents tonight and not wake up too early. My mother is still having issues with her back and more than likely will have to have back surgery for her herniated disk, which stinks! She is supposed to find out more about the surgery next week when she goes to the doctor, but it is looking like the surgery is going to happen. They told her to expect to be out of work for about six weeks!!! We will see what happens!!

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