Today, Ted and I went to Ethan's testing for his next belt in Karate. He got his red-decided belt, which means that he has two more belts until he gets his black belt! Can you believe it? He has done so well with this and for the most part, I think he really enjoys it! After the testing today, the instructors gave out new uniforms and Ethan officially got his State Champ uniform. He is the 2008 State Champ for sparring and his uniform now has a patch on the back of his uniform. They weren't expecting to get it today and he was really excited. Also, today was his last time testing on Saturday with the other kids and now he will test with other black belts. At the end of the testing, all the kids have to bow to their senior instructor and they made all the kids bow to Ethan since he was the most senior kid in the class. It was pretty cool and he ate it up! :) Here are a few pictures from today.
It was crazy hot in the Karate studio today and we had Brody with us. He did so awesome, as usual, considering the heat and the fact that he didn't get a morning nap. He napped in the car on the way there, but didn't sleep at all once we got there. Needless to say, he took about a 3 hour nap this afternoon. After he woke up, we had him on the blanket and he kept rolling over and over. I was happy that Ted got to see it because he hasn't seen him do it since he has been home. Every time we had him on his back, he would roll to his tummy! He is on the move stopping him! :) Next thing we know, he will be crawling! Here are a few pictures of him from this afternoon!

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