Saturday, November 29, 2008

Ethan Got his First Deer

Ethan killed his first deer yesterday. Ted and Ethan went up to Ted's hunt club on the Eastern Shore yesterday and he texted me last night and told me that Ethan killed a deer! Ted said it was a doe and since it got dark, they were going to have to look for it today! He said Ethan was so excited but when I talked to him, he was a little upset and I asked him if it was because they couldn't find it and he said yes. I am so happy that he finally got the chance to kill one. I know Ted was proud.

Hopefully, they will be able to find it today. They are going to hunt again today and then head home tonight. Then Ted leaves on Wednesday to go back to Illinois for what he calls a "long weekend!" I prefer to call it a short week! He will be back on Monday. Then, he should be home for a little while, except for his little trips up to his hunt club in Charlottesville. Not a big deal, though!

Update: As I am typing this, Ted just texted me and sent me this picture. I know some of you may not want to see this, but they found Ethan's deer this morning. Here is he posing like a real hunter. He looks so cute!!! I am so happy they were able to find the deer this morning!!

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