Monday, November 24, 2008

Mr. Fussypants

This weekend, Brody was out of sorts. On Saturday, I went and had lunch with my friend Mary and he was really good all day. After lunch, we went to the new Carters store that is in Virginia Beach, which I am so thankful for because I love their clothes. I got Brody some new PJs and will go back for more! :) Anyway, he didn't really get a good afternoon nap, but wasn't too bad on Saturday. Well, yesterday was a completely different story. I had to pick up Ethan yesterday morning and he took a brief cat nap in the car on the way back. I tried to lay him down when we got home, but he wasn't having that. We played for a little bit and then I took him over my parents house, fed him and he just sat there with me for about 30 minutes, watching my parents hang curtains and the TV. We then put him down for an afternoon nap. He slept for a while and would have probably slept longer if I would have let him. Once we got home, he was Mr. fussypants. I was on the floor playing with him and all he wanted to do was come to me and have me hold him. I think he is teething because it looks like the top front teeth are close. He right down last night (a little early too) and seemed to be in a pretty good mood this morning. We will see how today goes for my Dad.

Ted is on his way home. He left last night and drove for a couple hours just to shave off that time from his travels today. Hopefully, he will be home by the time I get home today. I thought he was done traveling after this trip, but I was wrong. He is supposed to go back to Illinois the weekend of December 5th for a long weekend. I will be so glad when hunting season is over (sorry babe!) Yesterday wore me out and I know it is because Brody is not normally like that. He tuckered me out.

I was going to post some pictures I took of him in between the fussiness yesterday, but for some reason, I can't download them here at work (they have really started cracking down on our computer access lately.) I will try and post them later.

My poor baby has some really chapped cheeks. Ever since it got cold here, his cheeks have been irritated. I have been putting stuff on it constantly, but it doesn't seem to be getting better. I think it gets worse too from where is drooling all over himself and when he is sleeping and lays in it. Any suggestions would be great appreciated!


Anonymous said...

Vaseline, vaseline!! Ashleigh lived on it during the winter time! Give Mr. Fussypants a kiss from me!

Nicki said...

Really...vaseline? I have been using Aquaphor at night and caking it on his face, but I am sure it rubs right off onto his sheet since he sleeps on his stomach. Was hers bad in the winter? I don't remember.

Anonymous said...

It was really bad in the winter time! I would cake it on all of the time and it really worked! Hopefully, it will work for Brody!

The Wilson's said...

I concur with Christy! Steven had vaseline all over his cheeks and lips during the winter. It would moisten him up; not fun to kiss though!