Monday, August 10, 2009

And the Verdict is.............

So, today was my ultrasound. Everything looks really good and she checked the baby from head to toe and all is well. So......we are having a GIRL!! I totally had a feeling that it was a girl, but it is now completely different knowing that is what we are having. I can't believe we are having a girl. Ted is really in for it now.....2 Nicki's running around. That would tire me out!

Ted was so excited when the ultrasound tech told us. He definitely wanted a girl, but I would have been fine either way. But, now that I know it is a girl, I am pretty excited! Similar to when we found out with Brody, we were able to experience this with my parents and Tab. Thanks Mom and Dad! I am happy that we were able to experience this huge event again with both of you there. Thanks Tab for leaving Mallory for the afternoon and coming with us and thanks Kevin for giving me Tab this afternoon, even though you laid out dinner!! We had a nice dinner and I was happy she was able to come.

I am going to scan in the ultrasound pictures tomorrow at work and will try and post them. She (the baby) wasn't being very cooperative when it came to getting a good picture. The ultrasound tech said that she is sideways, facing down. They also said I had a low lying placenta, which my doctor said that they will probably do another ultrasound at 28 weeks to see if it has moved. He said that since I am having another c-section, this shouldn't be an issue, but they also think that the placenta will move by then. So, I guess we will see.

So, we will now have 2 boys and a girl! Ted said after this, he is done!! :)

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