Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Apparently it was no fluke

Apparently, what I thought might have been a fluke with Brody wasn't. He must have picked up a bug or something. Sunday, we went out to dinner with my parents for Ted's birthday. It was yummy at the time, but not sure it agreed with us. I woke up yesterday morning feeling crummy but I was going to try and tough it out and go to work. Ted went to get Brody out of his crib and Brody had an accident in his crib so he put him in the bath. When we got him out, he just sat on my lap for a while. We brought him in the room with us and he just laid there. Normally, he is all over the bed, never sitting still. But not yesterday. He was so lethargic and actually fell back asleep. We knew he wasn't feeling good so we decided to keep him home. We gave him some juice and Ted went to go take a shower. Well, Brody puked all over me, and our bed. To make matters worse, our dryer decided to kick the bucket so I had no way of drying my sheets. Luckily my neighbor was home and graciously allowed me to use her dryer. Well, he threw up, he started to feel much better. Wish I could say the same for me.

I must have picked up what he had because I started getting sick every 30 minutes starting at 1:00. At around 7:00, my parents came by to take me to the doctor. I couldn't keep anything down. They said I was extremely dehydrated and put an IV in and gave me fluids. They also gave me a shot of medicine to stop the vomiting. I finally started feeling better before we left. I have not been that sick in a long time.

Brody felt much better and Ted dropped him off at daycare today before he left for the airport. He is going to be gone until Saturday. Luckily, it is only for a few days. I stayed home today. I am still really weak and extremely tired. I am hoping that by resting today, I will get my strength back.

The baby has started to make movements that I definitely can feel now. He/she is kicking every now and then. We have an appointment next Monday for my ultrasound and to find out what we are having. I absolutely think that this is a girl! I will be completely shocked if it is a boy. This pregnancy has just been so different, but then again, I have heard that alot even when people have two of the same so we will see.

I am going to try and take another nap before I go pick up Brody. I am assuming that since I haven't received any calls, Brody has done just fine. He is such a trooper! :)

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