Tuesday, December 15, 2009

The last couple of days

The last couple of days have been interesting. Brody has had a cough for the past week, and a bit of a runny nose, but I figured that I would give it a couple of days and it would get better. When he stayed with my parents while we were in the hospital, they said his cough was pretty bad at night and when he laid down for his nap, but he pretty much didn't cough at all when he was up running around. Tab and Kevin took him for a couple of hours on Saturday so my Dad and Mom could be at the hospital together and she said that she could tell he didn't feel good. Instantly, my stress level elevated. I was concerned for him, but also concerned about him giving Molly something since she is so new. I asked the pediatrician before we left the hospital and she just said to limit their exposure.

Well, Sunday night, Brody had the worst coughing fit he has ever had and Ted ran and got him because it sounded like he was choking. We gave him some more medicine and we decided to take him to the doctor. So, yesterday, there we were in the pediatrician's office with sick Brody and well Molly. Since they have a sick and a well area, Ted sat on the sick side with Brody and I sat on the well side with Molly. It was rather funny. Come to find out, he has a double ear infection and an upper respiratory infection! Fabulous! They gave him some meds and he stayed home from daycare yesterday and today. Since Ted had to go back to work today, my Mom is taking care of him while I have Molly.

Speaking of her, I am breastfeeding her and she eats about every 3 hours. Last night and the night before last, I had to wake her up for atleast one of her feedings. We are keeping her in the pack'n'play in our room, which is working out pretty good. Ted moved my chair in here so I can rock her too, which is so comfy. I am going to see how this goes for a week or 2 and then try and transition her to her crib. Last night, she ate around 9:30, 1:00, and then I woke her up at 5:00 to feed her. So far, she has been pretty easy...although I fear saying that in case I jinx us. I dont' think she has really "woken up" yet!

Brody has definitely had some adjusting to do. Not sure if it is because he doesn't feel well, or the adjusting to Molly, but he has not been listening very well. He was like a caged animal set free at the doctor's office yesterday. I am hoping this is just part of the adjustment period for him and he will start acting better soon. Let's just say his nose has been in the corner in time out more in the last two days than when we started putting him in time out a couple of months ago!

I am going to try and post some pictures later this afternoon. I have to admit....at this point, I probably had about 100 pictures of Brody and I am no where near that many with her. I need to get on the ball.


Sarah said...

So sorry that Brody is sick. That is terrible timing. Samuel has the same sort of thing, but no infections. I hope he gets better soon, so you are less stressed too. I am looking forward to hearing how things go with you and how Brody is adjusting. This is what we have to look forward to in a few months. Hopefully you will continue to get a lot of rest and relax.

JL Adams said...

I grew up with the 'second child syndrome'. You know the one, when there are hardly any pictures of the second and thrid child but tons of the first. I guess it's a natural thing but I'm sure you will catch up on the photos soon.