Thursday, December 10, 2009

New Birthday!

Baby Molly will be here in the morning. Yep, I said the morning. My c-section is now scheduled for tomorrow morning, December 11, 2009 at 9:10 am. I went to the doctor this morning for my weekly checkup and to check my fluid. Last week, he said that while my fluid was in normal range, it was on the low side so he wanted to check it this morning. Last week, I was measuring a 7. Well, today, I am measuring 3.5. I basically lost half of my fluid in 1 week!! He said that since I am still 37 weeks, it is debatable about when to take her because he wants to make sure her lungs are mature. After consulting with other doctors, he decided to just go ahead and take her tomorrow because the risks associated with leaving her in with no fluid are worse than if they go ahead deliver her.

So, tomorrow morning, we will be the proud parents of a little baby girl! :) YAY!

1 comment:

Sarah said...

Oh my gosh, how exciting. I can't wait to see pictures. Good luck with everything. Can't wait to see Molly.