Thursday, January 13, 2011

Molly's 1 Year Stats

So, I am doing this now just so I don't forget. This is really just for me so I can look back and see her 1 year stats

Height - 30 inches (65th percentile)
Weight - 22.3 lbs (60th percentile)
Head - 18 inches (60th percentile)

So, she is a little above average on all fronts. I am not sure how correct her head measurement was though. She was crying when they were doing it so I don't think the nurse was able to get a good measurement. Also, I can't imagine that her head grew enough to go from the 20th percentile at 9 months to the 60th in three months.

I was actually surprised at her length too. She looks so short to me, but again, the only comparison I really have is Brody. At 1 year, Brody was 1.25 inches taller than Molly and 6 lbs. heavier. When I went back and looked at pictures of him from then, he was much bigger than her. I never really noticed his size until now! Pretty funny!

On a side note: Daycare is getting better. She has napped the last couple of days and her crying is a bit less when I leave her in the morning. The ladies there have been really great helping me walk out the door in the morning. I know she is well taken care of! :)

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