One good thing to come out of last week is that Brody is pretty much potty-trained during the day! YAY! Since Christmas morning, he had only one accident and wore big boy underwear all day long. We even went out a couple of times and he was so good. I can't even tell you how proud I am of him. I know that everyone said it would happen when he was ready, but I am impatient and of course wasn't so sure. But he has proven me wrong! Today is his first day at school and he has his big boy pants on so I am keeping my fingers crossed that he does good!
Another funny story about Brody last week. After his nap (or what he calls, his "rest time") I went up to go get him and bring him down stairs. When I went into his room, he told me that his lovey was in the corner. I looked over and this is what I saw:
I asked him what happened and he said "I don't think lovey was listening so she is in time out!" It was hilarious! He was so matter of fact about it. He has such a great imagination! Here are a couple of pictures of him playing around with Molly and his cousins over the past week:
I love Brody's look in this picture. Molly was crying because Anthony and Ashleigh were trying to hold her back so we could get a picture of them. Brody looks like "I am not doing anything!"
Molly finally goes for her 12 week check up this week. She had an appointment scheduled last week, but since she still seemed sick, we decided to postpone her well check and get her checked out. Luckily, the antibiotics they had her on for the pneumonia seemed to knock that out, but she was still snotty and coughing. Well, she ended up having an ear infection so they put her on another antiobiotic to knock that out. Luckily, she is feeling much better. The only bad thing is that she hates this new medicine. The video below is how she reacts when she takes her medicine. Ted's mom was trying to feed it to her and take a look at her reaction once she gets some........
The last thing is today is my Dad's birthday. Unfortunately, he is spending it taking care of my Mom, who has gotten the stomach flu from all the rest of us who have been sick. It has gone through our family like crazy. Happy Birthday Dad! We will definitely celebrate this weekend when everyone is better!
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