Friday, August 1, 2008

Sumo Man!

Tonight, I had Brody on his blanket so we could practice rolling over and sitting up. He wasn't interested in the rolling over and the couple of times I had him sitting up, he started leaning forward. I got a picture of him looking like a little Sumo Man and this picture reminds me so much of a picture of my nephew, AJ, when he was around the same age. He had just as many rolls as Brody! I asked my sister to find that picture so I could put them side by side and compare. I think Brody looks alot like him when he was that age.

The picture below I took right before he started to fuss a little bit. He was getting really sleepy since he didn't really take a good nap today. He definitely knows how to work me when he sticks that bottom lip out like that!

To end on a happy note, I saved the best for last. Just watch the video to find out why!

1 comment:

Sarah said...

He has a great little laugh. Isn't it fun when they start laughing. The other day, George started licking Samuel on the feet and Samuel thought that was the funniest thing ever. I yelled to Dave to grab the video camera, but it was too late, George wasn't interested anymore. I love the fact that he boys are starting to really interact. Hope you had a great weekend.