Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Chloe Update

So, I took Chloe to the vet today. Last night was horrible. She started throwing up and didn't stop for about 3 hours. I let her outside, she would drink some water and then immediately throw up. Then, she would do it again. Finally, when I thought she was done, I brought her upstairs in our room and she just continued to throw up and at one point, was just dry heaving. Then she started throwing up blood. I completely freaked out. After that, she ended up falling asleep so I figured she was done. When she got up this morning, she went outside and I saw what might have caused her problem. This is probably TMI but she pooped out this long thing. I ended up taking it to the vet with me because I wasn't about to examine it and figure out what it was. was a rope! Somehow she ate a piece of rope, which was about 1.5 feet long!!! Can you believe it? I couldn't! She must have gotten it from something outside because we don't have rope just laying around our house!

Her vet said that she was extremely dehydrated so they injected her with some fluid. They also gave me some prescription food to give her for the next couple of days. She said she should start to feel better in a couple of days. Thank goodness it wasn't anything more serious! I still can't believe she ate a piece of rope and it caused all those problems! But, atleast it is out. I guess at 9 1/2 years old, she still hasn't grown up!

Well...just wanted to provide a Chloe update. I will try and blog more later!


Sarah said...

Oh my gosh, how scary. I would have freaked out. Thank goodness it was only a rope. I hope she starts feeling better soon. That must have felt terrible.

Nicki said...

Yeah...pretty crazy! I still have no idea where she got the rope, but it was definitely a scary situation! I have never seen her look so horrible in her life. I was crying because I thought something was seriously wrong with her. But.....she is on her way to feeling better. It is amazing that just a piece of rope would cause all that trouble!