Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Christmas 2009
I haven't posted in a little bit cause we have been busy, busy, busy. Last Tuesday, Missy, Ryan, and Brandon came in town and we had some much needed family time for a couple of days. Ted had to go back to work on Wednesday, and Brody went to daycare so my parents came over and hung out for a bit. On Christmas Eve, both of my sisters came over in the morning - just them - to help me out with Brody and Molly. It was so nice to just have them come over and we had some great sister time. Now that we have our families and children, our solo sister time is very limited so it was a nice surprise for them to come over.
Considering all of the things going on the last couple of weeks, I didn't get a chance to take Brody to see Santa so Missy and I took him Christmas Eve morning while Christy stayed home with Molly. Brody was so excited and kept talking about Santa Claus. I thought the line would be crazy long but when we got there it actually was not that bad. He was still talking about Santa until we got about third in line. Then he started saying "No Santa....no Santa!" We got him out of the stroller and he climbed right back in. The following pictures tell the tale....

Oh well...maybe next year! :)
That afternoon, everyone headed over for dinner and they all stayed the night Christmas Eve night. We normally spend the night at my parents on Christmas Eve and open presents in the morning, but this year, all the festivities were at our house. Here is what the house looked like after Santa came.........the kids aren't spoiled at all, huh?

All that preparation and wrapping and it was all over in 10 minutes and all that was left was a huge mess. Brody was much more excited about opening his gifts this year, which was fun. He loved his little car and spent more time in that than with his gifts. He would open one and then get in his car, then open another gift, ride in the car for a bit.....this was how it went until all his gifts were opened. He got so much stuff and now his playroom is filled!
We got Ethan around 3:00 on Christmas day. We were so excited this year because we had worked everything out with his mom to ensure we didn't get the same thing for him that he got at her house. Unfortunately, every year, we seem to get the same thing and since we never have him Christmas morning, he has already opened the gift at her house so it kind of ruins the surprise. Well, this year, we thought it would be different. We got him an acoustic guitar and an iPod touch. Well, when Ted picked him up, he found out he got the iPod touch already at his mom's. Needless to say, we were sad and disappointed since we thought everything was worked out so this wouldn't happen. So we decided to sell the iPod and we got him a Playstation 3. He put all of his giftcards toward the purchased and we footed the rest. I think he is pretty happy. Here are some pics of him from Christmas...
Look at him...trying to act all happy even though he already opened the same gift that morning! He is such a good kid!

Molly is awake more and more each day. She still sleeps most of the day, but she has more awake time. She has also started to take the pacifier more. She is such a good baby....I can hardly believe it. She is still on the same routine (3 hours during the day and 4 at night) and I still have to wake her at night to feed her. She doesn't go back to the doctor until her one month birthday so I will see what she weighs then and find out if I can let her sleep through the night without waking her. Of course, once I start letting her sleep through she will probably wake more frequently. I can't believe she will be three weeks old on Friday! This time has flown by.
Here are some recent pics of her....I think she is starting to put on some weight, which is definitely a good thing, but she is still so tiny. It is crazy to go from a big baby like Brody to a small one like her! Here is a pic of Brody with her. He is still getting adjusted to his baby sister but he is really good with her. He likes to give her kisses on the head and this morning, I caught him all in her face when she was in the swing. Unfortunately, he is like a bull in a china shop and doesn't quite know how to be gentle yet, but we are working on it!

Ted's parents got into town on Sunday and are here for a week. They are enjoying spending some time with all of their grandchildren. Molly is the first Crumb girl in the family in over 40 years. She is pretty special, but we all already knew that! :)
Considering all of the things going on the last couple of weeks, I didn't get a chance to take Brody to see Santa so Missy and I took him Christmas Eve morning while Christy stayed home with Molly. Brody was so excited and kept talking about Santa Claus. I thought the line would be crazy long but when we got there it actually was not that bad. He was still talking about Santa until we got about third in line. Then he started saying "No Santa....no Santa!" We got him out of the stroller and he climbed right back in. The following pictures tell the tale....
He spotted Santa.....
That afternoon, everyone headed over for dinner and they all stayed the night Christmas Eve night. We normally spend the night at my parents on Christmas Eve and open presents in the morning, but this year, all the festivities were at our house. Here is what the house looked like after Santa came.........the kids aren't spoiled at all, huh?
We got Ethan around 3:00 on Christmas day. We were so excited this year because we had worked everything out with his mom to ensure we didn't get the same thing for him that he got at her house. Unfortunately, every year, we seem to get the same thing and since we never have him Christmas morning, he has already opened the gift at her house so it kind of ruins the surprise. Well, this year, we thought it would be different. We got him an acoustic guitar and an iPod touch. Well, when Ted picked him up, he found out he got the iPod touch already at his mom's. Needless to say, we were sad and disappointed since we thought everything was worked out so this wouldn't happen. So we decided to sell the iPod and we got him a Playstation 3. He put all of his giftcards toward the purchased and we footed the rest. I think he is pretty happy. Here are some pics of him from Christmas...
Molly is awake more and more each day. She still sleeps most of the day, but she has more awake time. She has also started to take the pacifier more. She is such a good baby....I can hardly believe it. She is still on the same routine (3 hours during the day and 4 at night) and I still have to wake her at night to feed her. She doesn't go back to the doctor until her one month birthday so I will see what she weighs then and find out if I can let her sleep through the night without waking her. Of course, once I start letting her sleep through she will probably wake more frequently. I can't believe she will be three weeks old on Friday! This time has flown by.
Here are some recent pics of her....I think she is starting to put on some weight, which is definitely a good thing, but she is still so tiny. It is crazy to go from a big baby like Brody to a small one like her! Here is a pic of Brody with her. He is still getting adjusted to his baby sister but he is really good with her. He likes to give her kisses on the head and this morning, I caught him all in her face when she was in the swing. Unfortunately, he is like a bull in a china shop and doesn't quite know how to be gentle yet, but we are working on it!
Here she is chilling with her Grandpa watching the Vikings-Bears game....unfortunately for Grandpa, the Bears won!
Monday, December 21, 2009
Family Time
On Sunday, Christy, Rick and the kids arrived. It is so nice to have them here and I can not believe how much the kids have changed and grown. The last time I saw them was last summer and they look like completely different kids. I am sure Christy can say the same thing about Brody and Ethan. Initially, they were supposed to be here for Molly's arrival this morning, which was my scheduled c-section day, but Molly decided to arrive on her time and I am so thankful we had a little time to prepare before the craziness started (of course, it is good craziness). I was pretty emotional last week and I think my emotions are starting to even out so it was good timing. Brody has been having a lot of fun with his cousins. It is funny to see him running around after them and trying to do all the things that they are doing.
As for Molly, she is still such a sleepy baby. She pretty much sleeps all day and night! Our schedule is still the same and she is like clockwork. I think she is starting to gain some weight, which is good since you can never tell how much milk they are getting when you breastfeed. I also had that issue with Brody, but have come to realize that Brody was just hungry all the time. It wasn't that he wasn't getting enough....he just wanted more, more, more.
Speaking of Brody, his cough came back last night with a vengance. He coughed non-stop from about 7:00 to 9:30 last night and he finally stopped. I called the doctor's office this morning to find out what I could give him. Here is how the conversation went:
Me: My son saw Dr. McCormick last week for an upper respiratory infection and he was on Zithromax for 5 days, which ended last Friday. His cough has come back and I was wondering if there is anything I can give him for that.
The Nurse: If he still has a runny nose, it could be the drainage making him cough when he is laying down. You can try some children's benadryl. How old is he?
Me: 21 months
The Nurse: How much does he weigh?
Me: (laughing) 37 lbs.
The Nurse: Ummmm...okay....hold on please?
Me: ......waiting........
The Nurse: Here is my dilemma. For his age, you can give him 1/2 tsp. For his weight, he is the size of a 4-5 year old and it says 1 tbsp. So I would try 3/4 of tsp.
Umm.....a 4-5 year old? Are you kidding? Then I remember Christy telling me that my niece Ashleigh is 5 and she weighs 43 lbs. Holy cow....when you put it that way, we have a bruiser on our hands!
Here are some pics from the last couple of days......

As for Molly, she is still such a sleepy baby. She pretty much sleeps all day and night! Our schedule is still the same and she is like clockwork. I think she is starting to gain some weight, which is good since you can never tell how much milk they are getting when you breastfeed. I also had that issue with Brody, but have come to realize that Brody was just hungry all the time. It wasn't that he wasn't getting enough....he just wanted more, more, more.
Speaking of Brody, his cough came back last night with a vengance. He coughed non-stop from about 7:00 to 9:30 last night and he finally stopped. I called the doctor's office this morning to find out what I could give him. Here is how the conversation went:
Me: My son saw Dr. McCormick last week for an upper respiratory infection and he was on Zithromax for 5 days, which ended last Friday. His cough has come back and I was wondering if there is anything I can give him for that.
The Nurse: If he still has a runny nose, it could be the drainage making him cough when he is laying down. You can try some children's benadryl. How old is he?
Me: 21 months
The Nurse: How much does he weigh?
Me: (laughing) 37 lbs.
The Nurse: Ummmm...okay....hold on please?
Me: ......waiting........
The Nurse: Here is my dilemma. For his age, you can give him 1/2 tsp. For his weight, he is the size of a 4-5 year old and it says 1 tbsp. So I would try 3/4 of tsp.
Umm.....a 4-5 year old? Are you kidding? Then I remember Christy telling me that my niece Ashleigh is 5 and she weighs 43 lbs. Holy cow....when you put it that way, we have a bruiser on our hands!
Here are some pics from the last couple of days......
Friday, December 18, 2009
1 Week
Today, Molly is 1 week old. So far she is on a pretty good routine. She eats about every 3 hours during the day and 4 hours at night. Although, last night she went 5 hours and I woke her up. It is crazy to think that I have actually had to wake her up to feed her. I am trying to enjoy this time and the fact that she is so good, but I can't stop thinking about when the other shoe is going to drop and she is going to start being difficult. I know that sounds horrible, but at this point, she is making Brody look difficult, which is pretty hard to do. She is starting to take the pacifier more, which is good, but she is starting to be more awake during the day too. It is crazy to think that technically, she wasn't even supposed to be born until Monday, but I am so glad she is here and healthy!
Yesterday, she went back to the doctor because she was looking a little more jaundice than on Monday. Her billirubin wasn't crazy high, but her doctor said to put her in the sunlight for a little bit and if she looked more yellow to bring her in. Well, yesterday, she looked more yellow to me so I made an appointment for her. Before her appointment, we had to run to the hospital to get her blood drawn so they could check her level again. Everything came back fine....so the doctor isn't too worried. Also, she gained 2 ounces since her appointment on Monday and now weighs a whopping 7lbs. 1 oz. Her doctor is pretty happy about that so we don't have to go back until she is a month old. Here she was, asleep in her car seat after we got home.....

Brody is adjusting to her more and more every day. He will pick up her container of pacifiers and say "Baby's pacis" and point to her. Tonight, she sneezed, and he said "bless you Molly." It is those moments that are the best! For the past couple of days, when he gets home from daycare in the afternoon, he looks for her like he is trying to see if she is still here. He also gave her a kiss the other night. He has regressed a little, atleast with the pacifier. He doesn't get the pacifier all day at school and we would give it to him for maybe a half hour before he went to bed. Now, when he is home, he wants it all the time. I think he is seeing her with it and he wants it too. I am so glad we didn't try and wean him off it before she came.
Ted picked up Ethan tonight so he met his sister for the first time. When he first saw her, he said "she is so little!" We all think that compared to Brody. I asked him if he wanted to hold her and he said "not right now, she is too fragile!" I remember when Brody was first born and he was scared to hold him too, but he ended up holding him after a while. Just a little bit ago, Ted was holding her and he asked Ethan if he wanted to hold her. He said yes and I ran to get the camera. Doesn't he look like a happy big brother?
Yesterday, she went back to the doctor because she was looking a little more jaundice than on Monday. Her billirubin wasn't crazy high, but her doctor said to put her in the sunlight for a little bit and if she looked more yellow to bring her in. Well, yesterday, she looked more yellow to me so I made an appointment for her. Before her appointment, we had to run to the hospital to get her blood drawn so they could check her level again. Everything came back fine....so the doctor isn't too worried. Also, she gained 2 ounces since her appointment on Monday and now weighs a whopping 7lbs. 1 oz. Her doctor is pretty happy about that so we don't have to go back until she is a month old. Here she was, asleep in her car seat after we got home.....
Brody is adjusting to her more and more every day. He will pick up her container of pacifiers and say "Baby's pacis" and point to her. Tonight, she sneezed, and he said "bless you Molly." It is those moments that are the best! For the past couple of days, when he gets home from daycare in the afternoon, he looks for her like he is trying to see if she is still here. He also gave her a kiss the other night. He has regressed a little, atleast with the pacifier. He doesn't get the pacifier all day at school and we would give it to him for maybe a half hour before he went to bed. Now, when he is home, he wants it all the time. I think he is seeing her with it and he wants it too. I am so glad we didn't try and wean him off it before she came.
Ted picked up Ethan tonight so he met his sister for the first time. When he first saw her, he said "she is so little!" We all think that compared to Brody. I asked him if he wanted to hold her and he said "not right now, she is too fragile!" I remember when Brody was first born and he was scared to hold him too, but he ended up holding him after a while. Just a little bit ago, Ted was holding her and he asked Ethan if he wanted to hold her. He said yes and I ran to get the camera. Doesn't he look like a happy big brother?
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Some Pics
Here are some pictures from the past couple of days. Brody went back to daycare today for the first time since last Friday so I am curious to see how he has done. I am thinking that by going to daycare, this will give him a sense of normalcy. Poor things life has just been rocked and I am sure he doesn't know what to think.
Like I said in my last post, I am still waiting for Molly to "wake up." She has been great the past couple of days and nights. She eats every 3-4 hours, and sleeps 4 hours at a time at night. Last night, I feed her at 9:00, 1:00 and 5:00. She is almost much more content between feedings than Brody ever was. I guess that is what happens when you have a baby that is less than 10 lbs!
Like I said in my last post, I am still waiting for Molly to "wake up." She has been great the past couple of days and nights. She eats every 3-4 hours, and sleeps 4 hours at a time at night. Last night, I feed her at 9:00, 1:00 and 5:00. She is almost much more content between feedings than Brody ever was. I guess that is what happens when you have a baby that is less than 10 lbs!
Brody is obsessed with wearing Ted's ankle brace and walking around...
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
The last couple of days
The last couple of days have been interesting. Brody has had a cough for the past week, and a bit of a runny nose, but I figured that I would give it a couple of days and it would get better. When he stayed with my parents while we were in the hospital, they said his cough was pretty bad at night and when he laid down for his nap, but he pretty much didn't cough at all when he was up running around. Tab and Kevin took him for a couple of hours on Saturday so my Dad and Mom could be at the hospital together and she said that she could tell he didn't feel good. Instantly, my stress level elevated. I was concerned for him, but also concerned about him giving Molly something since she is so new. I asked the pediatrician before we left the hospital and she just said to limit their exposure.
Well, Sunday night, Brody had the worst coughing fit he has ever had and Ted ran and got him because it sounded like he was choking. We gave him some more medicine and we decided to take him to the doctor. So, yesterday, there we were in the pediatrician's office with sick Brody and well Molly. Since they have a sick and a well area, Ted sat on the sick side with Brody and I sat on the well side with Molly. It was rather funny. Come to find out, he has a double ear infection and an upper respiratory infection! Fabulous! They gave him some meds and he stayed home from daycare yesterday and today. Since Ted had to go back to work today, my Mom is taking care of him while I have Molly.
Speaking of her, I am breastfeeding her and she eats about every 3 hours. Last night and the night before last, I had to wake her up for atleast one of her feedings. We are keeping her in the pack'n'play in our room, which is working out pretty good. Ted moved my chair in here so I can rock her too, which is so comfy. I am going to see how this goes for a week or 2 and then try and transition her to her crib. Last night, she ate around 9:30, 1:00, and then I woke her up at 5:00 to feed her. So far, she has been pretty easy...although I fear saying that in case I jinx us. I dont' think she has really "woken up" yet!
Brody has definitely had some adjusting to do. Not sure if it is because he doesn't feel well, or the adjusting to Molly, but he has not been listening very well. He was like a caged animal set free at the doctor's office yesterday. I am hoping this is just part of the adjustment period for him and he will start acting better soon. Let's just say his nose has been in the corner in time out more in the last two days than when we started putting him in time out a couple of months ago!
I am going to try and post some pictures later this afternoon. I have to admit....at this point, I probably had about 100 pictures of Brody and I am no where near that many with her. I need to get on the ball.
Well, Sunday night, Brody had the worst coughing fit he has ever had and Ted ran and got him because it sounded like he was choking. We gave him some more medicine and we decided to take him to the doctor. So, yesterday, there we were in the pediatrician's office with sick Brody and well Molly. Since they have a sick and a well area, Ted sat on the sick side with Brody and I sat on the well side with Molly. It was rather funny. Come to find out, he has a double ear infection and an upper respiratory infection! Fabulous! They gave him some meds and he stayed home from daycare yesterday and today. Since Ted had to go back to work today, my Mom is taking care of him while I have Molly.
Speaking of her, I am breastfeeding her and she eats about every 3 hours. Last night and the night before last, I had to wake her up for atleast one of her feedings. We are keeping her in the pack'n'play in our room, which is working out pretty good. Ted moved my chair in here so I can rock her too, which is so comfy. I am going to see how this goes for a week or 2 and then try and transition her to her crib. Last night, she ate around 9:30, 1:00, and then I woke her up at 5:00 to feed her. So far, she has been pretty easy...although I fear saying that in case I jinx us. I dont' think she has really "woken up" yet!
Brody has definitely had some adjusting to do. Not sure if it is because he doesn't feel well, or the adjusting to Molly, but he has not been listening very well. He was like a caged animal set free at the doctor's office yesterday. I am hoping this is just part of the adjustment period for him and he will start acting better soon. Let's just say his nose has been in the corner in time out more in the last two days than when we started putting him in time out a couple of months ago!
I am going to try and post some pictures later this afternoon. I have to admit....at this point, I probably had about 100 pictures of Brody and I am no where near that many with her. I need to get on the ball.
Sunday, December 13, 2009
Molly Suzann Crumb
Molly Suzann made her arrival on Friday, December 11, 2009 at 9:34 am. Her stats: 7 lbs. 9 oz, 18.9 inches long. She is such a tiny little thing! We left the hospital this morning and I have to say, I am super excited to be home. When we left this morning, she weighted 6 lbs. 15 oz., and she hasn't eaten as well today as I would have hoped. I have to make an appointment for her tomorrow or Tuesday because she is a little jaundice, but they said it was nothing to worry about. Here are some pictures of the new little addition to our family. Now....it is complete!

Here is when Brody met his sister for the first time. He wasn't really sure what to think.

Here is when Brody met his sister for the first time. He wasn't really sure what to think.
Thursday, December 10, 2009
New Birthday!
Baby Molly will be here in the morning. Yep, I said the morning. My c-section is now scheduled for tomorrow morning, December 11, 2009 at 9:10 am. I went to the doctor this morning for my weekly checkup and to check my fluid. Last week, he said that while my fluid was in normal range, it was on the low side so he wanted to check it this morning. Last week, I was measuring a 7. Well, today, I am measuring 3.5. I basically lost half of my fluid in 1 week!! He said that since I am still 37 weeks, it is debatable about when to take her because he wants to make sure her lungs are mature. After consulting with other doctors, he decided to just go ahead and take her tomorrow because the risks associated with leaving her in with no fluid are worse than if they go ahead deliver her.
So, tomorrow morning, we will be the proud parents of a little baby girl! :) YAY!
So, tomorrow morning, we will be the proud parents of a little baby girl! :) YAY!
Monday, December 7, 2009
Are You Effing Kidding Me?
I should have known. I should have known that last week when we thought something might be going on with baby Molly, that would not be the end of it. I can never get away with only one bad thing happening at a time…...that’s just not my luck. Around here, it seems like when it rains, it pours. Take this post for example……http://thecrumbfamily.blogspot.com/2009/08/are-you-kidding-me.html. Similar titles....except more emphasis was added to this one.
So here goes……
On Friday, I was really grumpy all day. I was just uncomfortable and have begun to stress about the final weeks before our little girl arrives. I had asked my parents to keep Brody Friday night so that Saturday morning, I could just get up and clean, clean, clean. Of course, they love watching Brody and Brody loves his “Mee-Maw and Pop-Pop” so it was a win-win all around. My parents picked him up from daycare Friday evening and I met them at their house after work so I could give them all his stuff (he can’t sleep without his “lovies”). I got to their house, and we were just watching Brody eat when the phone rang. My dad looked at it and it was Ted. I thought that was strange that he called their house and not my cell but I realized that I had left my cell in the car. I get on the phone and the first thing out of his mouth is “Okay, don’t freak out!” I hate it when a sentence starts that way because chances are, I am going to freak out. I said, “okay….what’s going on?” He said, “I am on my way to UVA Medical Center. I was trying to put a tree stand up in a tree and fell. I think I broke my leg, among other things.” At this point, I am pretty calm because I don’t think I really understood the magnitude of the situation. I asked “how far did you fall?” His response: “You don’t want to know.” He said his friend Chris was with him and Chris was driving him to the hospital. He told me he had already called Tab and Kevin in case I called and was freaking out. Also, Tab and Kevin live about 1 hour and ½ from where he was so just in case he couldn’t drive, Kevin could help him out. He told me he would call and let me know what was going on.
We hung up the phone and that is when I started freaking out. I decided to head up to Tab’s just in case Ted was in really bad shape and couldn’t drive. I ran home, packed my stuff and headed up that direction. Ted was texting me letting me know what was going on. By the time I got to Tab’s, I still didn’t know what was going on and then he called and they said that he was lucky and had only a really bad sprain on his right ankle. He also had a huge bruise on his left thigh from the fall. Apparently the rails he was using to climb up the tree (similar to a ladder) came down with him and slammed onto his legs. They gave him crutches and told him to follow back up with his doctor in a few days if he wasn’t feeling better. To say that Ted was lucky is an understatement. He actually fell 15-20 feet. He could have been paralyzed, in a coma, or worse….dead. I am still amazed that his damage was so minimal. But, definitely thanking God for that.
Ted said that he thought he could drive and said he would head home Saturday morning. So I got up that morning and headed home. I had much to do around the house and thought the earlier I get home, the better. Well….as I started cleaning, I got completely overwhelmed with how much I had to do that I had a mini-breakdown. I called my parents and my Mom headed over the help me. I swear, I don’t know what I would do without them. So, she came over, helped me clean for a couple of hours, and by that time, Ted was home. I have to say….seeing him was much worse than I expected. He could not put any weight on either of his legs and was struggling to get up the stairs. I freaked out. How was I, 9 months pregnant, going to help him get around???? If I wasn’t pregnant, that would be a different story, but we were definitely quite a pair. So my Mom helped us pack up some stuff, and we stayed at their house for the past couple of nights. When Ted got up yesterday, his left leg was feeling better and he was actually able to get around without the crutches, but he still can’t put any pressure on his right leg. He is staying home from work today so hopefully one more day of rest will help and he will be able to move around much easier by the end of the week.
So, if you thought that was it, not so much. So in the midst of my “mini-breakdown” Saturday morning regarding trying to clean my house, when I called my parents, my Mom told me that they had just been in an accident. WHAT? Are you kidding? Apparently, they were rear-ended by a funeral home limo. Luckily, they weren’t injured and there was no damage to their car since the limo hit the trailer hitch, but my Mom said she immediately jumped out of the car, yelled at the driver and checked on Brody. Yep, this was Brody’s first car accident. She said he looked scared, which was probably from the jolt of the impact, but he looked at her and said “I’m okay!” They exchanged info with the guy and since there was no visible damage, my parents left. Thank goodness it wasn’t worse, but still…….2 accidents in one weekend???? Really??
Finally, just to top the weekend off, I almost went to the hospital on Saturday night. I am pretty sure it is from all the stress and all the cleaning I did, but I started having contractions and they were about 4 minutes apart. My doctor told me to go if they were 5 minutes apart for an hour. Well…..they were 4 minutes apart for about 45 minutes and then they slowed down. Since then, I have had them on and off but nothing consistent. I go back on Thursday and I am pretty sure he will examine me to see if I am dilated. It really won’t matter since I am having a c-section, but it may indicate if I will go before the 21st.
So, that was our weekend. Fun, huh? It can only go up from here, right?
So here goes……
On Friday, I was really grumpy all day. I was just uncomfortable and have begun to stress about the final weeks before our little girl arrives. I had asked my parents to keep Brody Friday night so that Saturday morning, I could just get up and clean, clean, clean. Of course, they love watching Brody and Brody loves his “Mee-Maw and Pop-Pop” so it was a win-win all around. My parents picked him up from daycare Friday evening and I met them at their house after work so I could give them all his stuff (he can’t sleep without his “lovies”). I got to their house, and we were just watching Brody eat when the phone rang. My dad looked at it and it was Ted. I thought that was strange that he called their house and not my cell but I realized that I had left my cell in the car. I get on the phone and the first thing out of his mouth is “Okay, don’t freak out!” I hate it when a sentence starts that way because chances are, I am going to freak out. I said, “okay….what’s going on?” He said, “I am on my way to UVA Medical Center. I was trying to put a tree stand up in a tree and fell. I think I broke my leg, among other things.” At this point, I am pretty calm because I don’t think I really understood the magnitude of the situation. I asked “how far did you fall?” His response: “You don’t want to know.” He said his friend Chris was with him and Chris was driving him to the hospital. He told me he had already called Tab and Kevin in case I called and was freaking out. Also, Tab and Kevin live about 1 hour and ½ from where he was so just in case he couldn’t drive, Kevin could help him out. He told me he would call and let me know what was going on.
We hung up the phone and that is when I started freaking out. I decided to head up to Tab’s just in case Ted was in really bad shape and couldn’t drive. I ran home, packed my stuff and headed up that direction. Ted was texting me letting me know what was going on. By the time I got to Tab’s, I still didn’t know what was going on and then he called and they said that he was lucky and had only a really bad sprain on his right ankle. He also had a huge bruise on his left thigh from the fall. Apparently the rails he was using to climb up the tree (similar to a ladder) came down with him and slammed onto his legs. They gave him crutches and told him to follow back up with his doctor in a few days if he wasn’t feeling better. To say that Ted was lucky is an understatement. He actually fell 15-20 feet. He could have been paralyzed, in a coma, or worse….dead. I am still amazed that his damage was so minimal. But, definitely thanking God for that.
Ted said that he thought he could drive and said he would head home Saturday morning. So I got up that morning and headed home. I had much to do around the house and thought the earlier I get home, the better. Well….as I started cleaning, I got completely overwhelmed with how much I had to do that I had a mini-breakdown. I called my parents and my Mom headed over the help me. I swear, I don’t know what I would do without them. So, she came over, helped me clean for a couple of hours, and by that time, Ted was home. I have to say….seeing him was much worse than I expected. He could not put any weight on either of his legs and was struggling to get up the stairs. I freaked out. How was I, 9 months pregnant, going to help him get around???? If I wasn’t pregnant, that would be a different story, but we were definitely quite a pair. So my Mom helped us pack up some stuff, and we stayed at their house for the past couple of nights. When Ted got up yesterday, his left leg was feeling better and he was actually able to get around without the crutches, but he still can’t put any pressure on his right leg. He is staying home from work today so hopefully one more day of rest will help and he will be able to move around much easier by the end of the week.
So, if you thought that was it, not so much. So in the midst of my “mini-breakdown” Saturday morning regarding trying to clean my house, when I called my parents, my Mom told me that they had just been in an accident. WHAT? Are you kidding? Apparently, they were rear-ended by a funeral home limo. Luckily, they weren’t injured and there was no damage to their car since the limo hit the trailer hitch, but my Mom said she immediately jumped out of the car, yelled at the driver and checked on Brody. Yep, this was Brody’s first car accident. She said he looked scared, which was probably from the jolt of the impact, but he looked at her and said “I’m okay!” They exchanged info with the guy and since there was no visible damage, my parents left. Thank goodness it wasn’t worse, but still…….2 accidents in one weekend???? Really??
Finally, just to top the weekend off, I almost went to the hospital on Saturday night. I am pretty sure it is from all the stress and all the cleaning I did, but I started having contractions and they were about 4 minutes apart. My doctor told me to go if they were 5 minutes apart for an hour. Well…..they were 4 minutes apart for about 45 minutes and then they slowed down. Since then, I have had them on and off but nothing consistent. I go back on Thursday and I am pretty sure he will examine me to see if I am dilated. It really won’t matter since I am having a c-section, but it may indicate if I will go before the 21st.
So, that was our weekend. Fun, huh? It can only go up from here, right?
Thursday, December 3, 2009
36 Week Doctor’s Appointment
I had a doctor’s appointment on Monday, which starts my weekly check ups with the doctor. He measured me (which I was measuring between 36-37 weeks), checked her heartbeat (which was in the 140s) and everything checked out great. I had asked him if I was going to have an ultrasound to check her size and he said probably not since I was having a scheduled c-section and I wasn’t measuring abnormally large. I figured that but asked anyway. He then asked about her movement and I told her she was still extremely active……much more active than Brody was at this point. She doesn’t seem to have many down moments. I asked him about one of her movements that kind of confused me. There are times where I feel like she is shaking really fast but it is in just in one spot. It is hard to explain in writing, but when I said that, he asked how long it lasted. I told him about 30 seconds or so and he asked if it was hiccups. I said no because she gets those everyday at the same time-right after lunch. He got this perplexed look on his face and said “why don’t we go ahead and get an ultrasound anyway just to check.” I asked what we were checking for and he said “it is probably nothing (which I hate it when they say that) but I just want to rule out her possibly having seizures!” I am sorry doc…what was that? I couldn’t believe what he was saying. This pregnancy has gone so well that I couldn’t imagine something being wrong now. So I left there, completely devastated and had to wait until this morning to have the ultrasound.
Ted is in class for work this week and couldn’t get out of it so my Mom went with me this morning. The ultrasound tech said structurally everything looks great. She didn’t see any indication that she was having any seizures. She said that while she didn’t see anything alarming, she couldn’t necessarily tell how everything was working, but she pretty much told me not to worry. While it would have been nice for her to guarantee that nothing was wrong, for her to tell me not to worry did make me feel better. She also measured her and got her estimated weight. Looks like I am going to have another big one. Right now, she is estimating her to be about 7 lbs. 11 oz, give or take a pound. Since I only have 2 weeks left, she is estimating she will be around 9 lbs by the time she is born. I have been thinking all along that she was going to be about 9½ lbs so looks like she will be right on target. I wouldn’t know what to do with a skinny baby anyway! :)
So, I go back next Thursday and then one more time before she becomes my Christmas present this year. We pretty much have everything ready. I just need to finish her laundry and pack her bag. Her room is just about done. We are still waiting on her letters for her name and we put up her wall quote last weekend. Here is a picture. I think it turned out great!!!
Ted is in class for work this week and couldn’t get out of it so my Mom went with me this morning. The ultrasound tech said structurally everything looks great. She didn’t see any indication that she was having any seizures. She said that while she didn’t see anything alarming, she couldn’t necessarily tell how everything was working, but she pretty much told me not to worry. While it would have been nice for her to guarantee that nothing was wrong, for her to tell me not to worry did make me feel better. She also measured her and got her estimated weight. Looks like I am going to have another big one. Right now, she is estimating her to be about 7 lbs. 11 oz, give or take a pound. Since I only have 2 weeks left, she is estimating she will be around 9 lbs by the time she is born. I have been thinking all along that she was going to be about 9½ lbs so looks like she will be right on target. I wouldn’t know what to do with a skinny baby anyway! :)
So, I go back next Thursday and then one more time before she becomes my Christmas present this year. We pretty much have everything ready. I just need to finish her laundry and pack her bag. Her room is just about done. We are still waiting on her letters for her name and we put up her wall quote last weekend. Here is a picture. I think it turned out great!!!
Saturday, November 28, 2009
Thanksgiving Holiday
So it is Saturday night and the 4 day weekend is almost over. Boo! We had a very nice Thanksgiving. It was just my parents, grandma, Ted, me and Brody and later that afternoon, Ethan. We had a very nice dinner and I have so much to be thankful for. I was completely wiped by the end of the night. We stayed inside all day on Friday. There was no way I was going to be heading out for any reason with the masses. We stayed in our pjs all day. I did feel a bit guilty, but just didn't feel like doing anything else.
Today, Ethan, Brody, and I went shopping this afternoon. Since Ethan did so well on his report card (he got 3 As and 3 Bs...YAY!), we gave him some money that he wanted to spend today. So, we headed out. It was actually less crowded than I thought. I did finish some christmas shopping, which made me feel good. We only have 3 weeks left until the baby arrives and I feel like I have so much to do. I realize I don't, but it is just small things from here on out and I just need to get them done.
Here are some pictures from this past weekend. Hope everyone had a wonderful holiday weekend! :)

Today, Ethan, Brody, and I went shopping this afternoon. Since Ethan did so well on his report card (he got 3 As and 3 Bs...YAY!), we gave him some money that he wanted to spend today. So, we headed out. It was actually less crowded than I thought. I did finish some christmas shopping, which made me feel good. We only have 3 weeks left until the baby arrives and I feel like I have so much to do. I realize I don't, but it is just small things from here on out and I just need to get them done.
Here are some pictures from this past weekend. Hope everyone had a wonderful holiday weekend! :)
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