Seriously, I didn't think this week could have gotten any worse. I am going to recap how everything has gone for us the past week in case you would like to know. I think it holds more impact when it is all put together in a nice little list, day-by-day. I will start with last Friday.
Friday - Ted left during the afternoon and went to Charlottesville to do some hunting stuff. Brody and I went out to dinner with my parents. Sometime that night, or early Saturday morning, Brody threw up all over his crib. When I say everywhere, I mean everywhere!
Saturday - I think this might be the only day nothing happened. Shocker! On a good note, Brody has his first beach excursion, which he was a total fan of! We will definitely do that again!
Sunday - In the middle of doing laundry, our dyer decided to stop working. Fantastic!
Monday - I woke up not feeling great but decided to tough it out. Ted went to get Brody up and discovered that he had a little accident all over his crib. We gave him a bath and he was completely lethargic. I decided to stay home from work since we both weren't feeling well. brody then puked all over me and our bed. Did I forget to mention that I don't have a workable dryer. I had to ask my neighbor to borrow hers. Well, once Brody went down for his nap, I started getting sick and did not stop until I went to the doctor and got IV fluids and an anti-nausea shot. They sent me home with more drugs too. I was feeling much better after that, thank God!
Tuesday - This was Ted's birthday and the day he left for San Diego. Brody had been feeling much better that day so we decided to send him to daycare. I stayed home to rest since I felt like I had been run over by a train. Ted dropped Brody off before he went to the airport. Well, before I went to pick Brody up, Ted called me and said that he must have gotten what we had because he was puking on the plane. UGH! I was hoping it had just been something Brody and I had eaten but it doesn't look like it. I went to pick up Brody around 4:00, head to my parents house for dinner and Brody pukes during dinner. At this point, I have no clue what is going on. Once he pukes, he is fine.
Ted said that he puked most of the day and into the night on Tuesday but stopped around 1:00 am on Wednesday and he has felt better since. Atleast it was a quick one.
Wednesday - This one is a doozy....hold on.......
This was the day that Brody's ENT appointment was scheduled. I had such a hard time getting this appointment, I wasn't about to reschedule. I got up, went to get him, and he had another accident all over himself and the crib! Great! I bathed him, rushed to get him in the car, pick up my dad and get to the ENT appointment on time. Good news...they don't want to do anything at this point. He said that his ears checked out fine, but if he gets another infection within the next couple of months, he wants to see him. Oh did I mention that Brody threw up a little bit in the waiting room. Yay, that was nice! So I leave the doctor's appointment and ask my Dad to keep him for the afternoon because there is no way I could send him to daycare. I call his pediatricians office and the nurse tells me to do the BRAT diet - bananas, rice, applesauce, and toast. Also, I picked up a couple bottles of pedialyte to give him too. So, I get to work around 10:30, was there for a couple of hours, and started spotting. I had spotted a little on Tuesday morning, but figured it was just from being dehydrated and being violently ill. Well, I also noticed that the baby hadn't moved all day on Wednesday. Even though it is still a little early to be feeling regular movement, I felt the baby alot on Monday and Tuesday. I am hysterical and call the doctor's office and of course they want to see me right away. I get there and they do an ultrasound and luckily, the baby was fine. I saw the heartbeat and the baby brought his/her hand to his/her face. It was cute! He did say that my placenta is pretty low, which could have caused some of the bleeding, but he said at this point, he wouldn't be worried. Plus I have my 20 week ultrasound on Monday so I should know more then.
My mom met me at the doctor's and we left there to pick up Brody's prescription for some butt cream since his little hiney was raw from going so much. We head to my house because in the midst of trying to get out the door that morning, I washed his sheets and pjs out but I left them in the bath tub. We walk in the house and head upstairs and what do you know? My air conditioner is not working! And of course, Wednesday was the hottest day of the summer so far! It was 90 degrees in my house! So, I pack some things for me and Brody and we head to my parents house to stay the night. At this point, I am wondering who I pissed off?
Thursday - My parents were gracious enough to keep Brody on Thursday even though my Mom was off since I was still a little unsure about sending him to daycare. Even though he was feeling much better on Wednesday, I wanted him to get another good day of rest in. So I called the A/C people and they were able to come out the same day. My Dad met the technician at my house and I told them to call me once they found out what the problem was. Well, around 12:00, they call and they said our capacitor went out. Apparently not a big deal to replace. I said, "Thank God...what caused it?" The technician said, "Well, it looks like it might have been struck by lightning!" I just busted out laughing because at this point, what else was I going to do. I was really starting to think that someone was screwing with me. I mean....who does this happen to? Anyway, $150 later, we have air upstairs! YAY! I decided to stay at my parents again Thursday night since I had stuff all over their house and really didn't feel like rushing home until the house was completely cool.
Well around 12:00 am, my Mom wakes me up to ask for the anti-nausea medicine that the doctor gave Dad is throwing up. Oh no! I felt horrible. He started throwing up then and didn't stop until around 7:00 am this morning......which brings me to.......
Today - Brody has been doing much better the last couple of days so I decided to take him to daycare this morning. When I dropped him off, I gave them a heads up and told them that he hadn't been feeling good and has been on a bland diet so make sure he takes it easy and doesn't do too much or eat too much. I called them twice to see how he was doing and both times they said he was doing just fine. I went to pick him up and he was in a great mood. They said he did really good all day. We got him, I fed him dinner and was getting ready to give him a bath. He came into my room while I was going to change and proceeded to projectile vomit all over my floor. I mean exorcist vomit! It was crazy. I carried him to the bath, washed him good, stuck him in the pack-n-play in our room and cleaned up all the craziness. After that I got him ready for bed, rocked him for a bit and put him in his crib. I have the monitor up pretty loud so I can hear if he gets sick again. I am keeping my fingers crossed that he won't.
I called my mother to tell her what is going on and she said that she has now started to get sick. But the good news is that she was able to get some medicine for my Dad before she started so she is already getting some of that good stuff in her system. Hopefully, that will fight off whatever ailment this is.
So, my plan in the morning is to call the doctor's office and see if I can get him an appointment int the morning. I am not sure what else to do. Apparently, whatever bug he has, he can't seem to get rid of! I would suggest any and everyone to steer clear of the Teal and Crumb house. Thank God Ted comes home tomorrow night. I am not sure how much more I can handle!
1 comment:
Oh my goodness. I can't believe your week. That sounds terrible. I hope you all start feeling better and things calm down. I can't imagine how difficult it is to take care of a sick little baby while you are pregnant too. I hope this next week gets better!
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