Thursday, June 5, 2008

Sleeping Through the Night Again

For the past 2 nights, Brody has gotten back to sleeping from 9:00 pm - 5:00 am, thank goodness! I guess the previous 2 nights were a fluke! I actually had to wake him up this morning! He hasn't really been sleeping in the afternoon at my parent's house so he is pretty tired when he goes to bed at night. He does have a good morning routine through. However, everything can change in an istant!!

Generally, he is fussy on and off every evening from about 8:00 pm until I feed him around 8:45 or so. Since I am home by myself, I have been putting him in the crib afor about 20 minutes before I get his bottle ready and let him move around and I talk to him before he goes to bed. He totally calms down when we do this! I took a couple pictures and took the video below from last night. He loves his mobile, as you can tell from the video. The minute I turn it on, he is looking at it!

Ethan's birthday is the 21st and I guess Ted got an invitation to his birthday party at his mom's house...I guess mine got lost! :) I can't believe he is going to be 10 years old! Where hast he time gone???? Anyway, I think we are going to get him a skin board to use at the beach. It is like a little surf board that you run and jump on when the waves break on the shore. My friend lives about a block from the beach and I plan on taking him alot this summer if I can. I think we are getting him for the whole month of July, which will be good. I plan on taking him to the beach, Busch Gardens, maybe Water Country. I am going to try and do some things with just Ethan, and not Brody, so he doesn't feel slighted! It should be fun!

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