So...tomorrow is Ethan's birthday. His mother is having a party for him at her tomorrow afternoon after he has his Karate belt testing. Ted and I went today to get his birthday gift. He mentioned wanting a boogie board for the beach so we ended up getting him a boogie board and a skimboard. We weren't sure about the skimboard but he saw kids using them in Nags Head last year and thought it would be cool. I asked my friend Marty if he would teach him how to use it. I have no clue how to do that and fear that I would break something if I tried. I mentioned that we are getting him for the month of July so hopefully, every Saturday or Sunday I am going to try and take him to the beach. He should get good use out them.
I think Brody is going through a growth spurt...or something is going on. We have started feeding him 7 oz. at his last feeding at night to see if he would stretch his sleeping to 5:00 am again. Once we stopped swaddling him, he hasn't really slept for a whole 8 hours at night, but he has been sleeping for about 7 or so. Apparently, the 7 oz. isn't doing the trick. On Wednesday night, he was so tired because he really didn't have a good nap during the day and was completely out at 8:30. Well...he woke up at 2:30 and was on an off for almost an hour so Ted finally fed him around 3:15. Since I have started back at work, we have started to rotate who is going to get up with him in the morning when he wakes up. It just so happened that it was Ted's turn. Well...last night, we fed him and put him down around 9:15 pm. He wasn't having it and stayed up until 10:30pm. He hasn't done that in so long.
He has also decided to not take a nap the last couple of days. He has slept for little periods of time, but his nice naps that last 2 hours have gone away. Today we were home and he probably slept for a total of an hour all day long! I am not sure what is going but I sure hope he works it out soon! Especially since Ted is leaving on Sunday. It will be a rough week if this continues! :(
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