Sunday, January 3, 2010

New Years Resolutions

I am not a big fan of New Years resolutions. I used to make atleast one resolution every year, but it never failed that I didn't stick with it much past March or so. While I haven't made any resolutions for the year, I do have a few things in mind that I would like to accomplish. One is of course to lose my baby weight. I seemed to do pretty good with losing it after Brody, plus some, and I am hoping to do the same. I am going to finish the soda we have in the fridge and then I am saying bye-bye to soda. Also, I am going to stop eating after 7:00 pm and maybe try to go to the gym a couple of days during the week while I am home on maternity leave. That is one goal I am setting for my self.

Another is to be nicer to my husband. I know that right now, my emotions and hormones are still trying to work themselves out, but I have snapped at Ted more times than I care to mention over the past couple of weeks. I think it has been especially hard for me since we had so much going on and I just had the baby a week before it all started. Don't get me wrong, I absolutely enjoyed having family here and would not have wanted it any other way, but it did get a bit hectic at times and I often felt not in control of the situation. I am such a Type A personality and have to have things just so and there were a lot of times that I felt overwhelmed with everything and trying to have the house clean and I felt like I just couldn't keep up with it all. Today, Ted's parents left and while we of course were sad to see them go, we had a nice relaxing afternoon just the 4 of us. Of course, this morning I had all these plans to clean the house today while Brody was napping, Ted tried to convince me to just relax and take care of it this week while I am home and I have to say, I am glad I did. It was nice. We watched The Hangover (which was hilarious) while Molly slept on me this afternoon. I feel so blessed to have a healthy family and am blessed to have a husband who gives me pretty much everything I want. I need to not take that for granted and I am hoping to turn over a new leaf and start appreciating him more. Anyway, enough about me....

For Brody, we are going to try and wean him from the pacifier by his 2nd birthday. That gives us a little less than 3 months to start convincing him that he is a big boy and that he doesn't need it, but his sister does. He already doesn't get the pacifier at daycare (he actually doesn't even have any there) so I am hoping I can break the habit at home. I have to be honest....we give it to him now as a comfort. I know what will calm him down when he is having a moment and we are somewhat weak because we don't want him to be upset. But, we are making a pack to try and get rid of it and hopefully, we will succeed. We are also going to try and transition him from the crib to the toddler bed, but that one is a little far off at this point. I thought about trying to give him a double whammy and take the paci and transition him to the toddler bed at the same time but I don't think I am strong enough for that. My rationale was to try and convince him that now he is a big boy, sleeping in a big boy bed and big boys don't get pacis. But, I am definitely starting to rethink that.

For Molly, her transition starts tonight. She is transitioning from the pack'n'play in our room to her room. She was 3 weeks this past Friday and I have to say.....she is freakin' awesome! She is such a calm and content baby that I often wonder what I did to deserve her. I am thinking that God did us a favor since the holidays were hectic and Brody was a little out of sorts. I am not sure what I would have done if I would have had a colicky baby. She has such a great demeanor and the plus for me is that she is still on the same schedule. She goes 3 hours between feedings and 4 hours at night. I was telling Tab tonight that by transitioning her, she will either wake up more often, or we will both sleep through her feedings (since I still have to wake her up at 1:00 and 5:00). She starts to stir around those times, but I am sure she would sleep through them if I let her. We will see how this goes. I am also going to aim to take more pictures of her since we will have alot of Mommy and me time coming up. Brody starts daycare back tomorrow and it is me and her during the day. I am so looking forward to having a little one-on-one time with her.

I am going to try and post some pictures maybe tomorrow or Monday. I am hoping to get some good ones of Molly because she has changed so much in the past 3 weeks. I definitely think she has put on some more weight, but we are still in newborn clothes and a few are still a bit large on her. I will be interested to see how much she weighs when we go for her month checkup.

I am off to take care of a few things before Desperate Housewives and Brothers and Sisters comes on. I am excited it is back on and can't wait to see what happens on both shows!

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