Monday, January 11, 2010

Trying to Move On

Today is the first day that I am in this house by myself (with the exception of Molly) without Chloe. :( I am physically hurting I miss her so much. I never truly felt alone in this house because she was always here. She never had to be right by me, but I always knew she was laying somewhere in this house and that gave me comfort. I am trying to get used to being in this house without her, but it is hard. Everything reminds me of her.

When we walk in the door, I look for her as she would always greet us when we when we walked in the door. I think about her at night when I get up to feed Molly. If she wasn't on the bed with me (when Ted was traveling, she would always sleep on his side of the bed as if to comfort me), she used to lay on the floor right next to my side of the bed. Last night, I instantly thought about her when I got up, trying to make sure I didn't step on her. I always had to let my eyes adjust a little before I started walking to make sure I stepped around her. Going to bed at night is not the same. We would always let her out right before bed, open the pantry door, tell her to get a cookie (which should would grab from her milkbone container) and she would run upstairs and eat it in our room. She would then assume her position beside me. The doorbell rang a couple of times this weekend and there was no bark. A bark that used to irritate me sometimes would now be music to my ears. I miss my dog! There are too many things about her that I miss.........

I know, this post is depressing, but I am hoping by typing this, I will feel a little better. We had her creamated and they said her ashes would be ready for pickup either today or tomorrow. I dread going back to the vets office, but I can't wait to bring her home. They also did a clay paw print and I asked them to do her right front paw because one of her nails was crooked. That was Chloe - not perfect, but perfect in her own right! I am going to try and make this the last post about her, so here are a few more pictures just to make me feel better!

R.I.P Chloe Lynn Teal Crumb
May 10, 1999 - January 8, 2010

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