Thursday, January 28, 2010

Really is 3:45 am!!!!

Brody has always been a good sleeper. He started sleeping 8 hours at night around 2 1/2 months and from that point on, there have only been a couple of instances where we have had to go in there at night and calm him down. Those couple of times have really been when he was sick. He goes to bed at 7:00 every night, but he normally doesn't actually fall asleep until closer to 8:00 pm. That has never been an issue. The mornings have posed some issues for us the last month or so....actually it started before Molly was born. He used to wake up between 6:00 and 7:00 and on the weekends, would entertain himself in his crib until we got him at 8:00 for breakfast. During the week, he would just stay in there until I got him around 6:45-7:00; sometimes I would even have to wake him up. Well, he started this new thing of throwing everything out of his crib and crying for us to come in there and give it back to him. He does that in the morning and after his nap when he is home. A couple weeks into him doing this, we decided that we would just turn his TV on in his room and let him watch some cartoons while we were getting ready, or to give him some down time. Well, I think we have created a monster! This morning, I awoke to Brody crying out for his Daddy (which is another story I will tell later in this post) and I looked at the clock and couldn't believe it. It was 3:45 am!!!!! I of course was up because I am on Mommy alert right now with Molly waking up in the middle of the night. So, I went in his room and there he was....standing up and he had thrown everything out of the crib. He said "tv on!" I said, "no, it is still night-night time. Lay down and I will give you your stuff back." The funny thing about this is that he will tell us everytime we go in there "no throw things" because he knows he is not supposed to be doing this, but since we have enabled him this long, he still does it. He ended up laying down and I went back to bed. About 30 mintues later, he started crying for Daddy again and I thought "fabulous, this is going to last until it is time to get up." I went in there, again, gave him his stuff back, and told him to lay down. This time, he laid down and fell back asleep and didn't wake up until 7:15 am. I hope this does not start to become a habit. Of course, once he was back to sleep, Molly started to cry to be fed. So, I was pretty much up all morning! Ted told me to try and take a nap today, but I can't nap during the day. I don't plan to do much....just go to the grocery store later today and that is about it.

While I am on the topic of sleeping, Molly had a rough night the night before last. She went to bed at her normal time and slept until 1:00 am. I fed her, and she went right back down. Then, she awoke again at 4:30, I fed her and she pooped so I had to change her diaper after she ate. Well, I guess that really woke her up because she would not go back to sleep. We brought her in our bedroom in bed with us and Ted and I tried to calm her down, but she was fussy from about 5:00 until she ate at 8:00. And she was pretty fussy all morning until she ate again at 11:00. After that, we spent the afternoon with my parents and she slept on an off all afternoon. I had a great time with my parents and was happy to actually get out of the house. The two days prior, I took a shower both days, but never left the house. I was starting to get cabin fever. That is another reason why I am going to get out of the house today. It is supposed to be near 60 so it will be good weather for Molly as well.

Now, I am on to another topic. I e-mailed my cousin, Sarah, who is expecting her second baby anyday now, to find out how things were going and to see how she was feeling about having 2 children under 2. Her son is 2 weeks older than Brody and now we will have our second children pretty close together. I told her I was pretty freaked out about it but it was a little easier than I expected. One of my girlfriends has 2 kids that are about 2 1/2 years apart and she told me that before I had Molly and it gave me a little comfort. While overall, I do feel better about it, there have been many challenges that I never expected. For example, I am constantly worried about Brody waking Molly up during the day, and for Molly to wake Brody up at night when she starts crying. It hasn't seemed to bother either one, but it is a constant worry for me. Also, once I start to go back to work, I am starting to think about how hectic our evenings will be!! When we just had Brody, I would get home, we would all eat dinner, play for maybe a half hour, then take him upstairs, give him a bath, read him some books and then he would go to bed. After he was in bed, I could either get some stuff done around the house, or just crash. Well, now we will have another child to put to bed. It is good because atleast I will have some time with each child, but will be a mad dash in the evening times. And, it will only get more hectic once homework is thrown into the mix. But, again, I am not complaining at all! I know that we will get in a nice routine and things will work out just fine. It will be more hectic when Ted travels, but my parents have offered to help and I am so greatful to have them close by and willing to help out! They are the best!

(As a side note, Ted found out yesterday that his trip to Hawaii got pushed back a couple of weeks. YAY! The original plan was for him to leave February 21 and get back around March 20th. He would have missed mine and Brody's birthday. Now, it looks like he is leaving for San Diego on February 21st and coming back the 27th and he doesn't leave for Hawaii until March 22nd! So, he will be here for both of our birthdays and this will be the first time in a couple years that Ted will be here for my actual birthday, and it just so happens to be my 30th! :) I am feeling relieved that he will be here for my first week back at work, even though my Mom had offered to come and stay. Thanks Mom!)

Earlier in this post, which has become quite long and I apologize (this is my release...Molly doesn't talk back to me....yet!), I talked about how Brody cried out for Daddy. He has become such a Daddy's boy. He is obsessed with Ted and can not stand to be away from him. Last night, we were getting him ready for bed and after he got out of his bath, he was running into his room and he tripped and fell on the carpet. He hit his mouth and he started to cry. I was sitting right there next to him and I reached for him and he looked right at me, turned around and ran for Daddy. To say that broke my heart is an understatement!!! While Ted is fully capable of comforting him when he cries, I want to do that. I want to be the one to make it better and right now, it seems like Daddy is the one he wants right now. On one hand, it warms my heart to see Brody with Ted and to see how happy he is whenever he is around, but it is hard to adjust to Brody wanting Ted more than me right now. Ted was trying to make me feel better and told me that this is just a phase and that his buddy at work went through the same thing, but I hate it. This is one of the concerns I had while I was pregnant with Molly. I never wanted Brody to feel like I wasn't there for him or that I was not giving him enough attention. I love that kid more than anything and I hope he knows that! Again, this is one of the challenges that I considered, but could never really prepare for.

Whew....this post is long and probably a bit boring, but it is nice to be able to get all of this out! Ted brought the memory card home so I will post some pictures from this past weekend later this afternoon. I am off to go put Molly down for her morning nap and get in the shower!!

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