Brody at 1 month
I have found myself going back to old blog posts and comparing Brody and Molly. I hate doing that because of course they are their own individuals, with their own personalities, but it is interesting to see what Brody was doing at this age. Their sleep patterns were much different, with Brody waking up at all different times at night. She is like clockwork and has been since we got home from the hospital. I was hoping she would start sleeping for longer stretches at night, but I am definitely not complaining about 4 hours between feedings. We increased her formula to 4 ounces yesterday and she is doing pretty good with that. She still sleeps alot during the day, but has brief awake moments and seems to be taking it all in. Brody was such a pacifier baby, even from such a young age and could not go to sleep without it. She could care less....especially at night. She never gets her pacifier when we lay her down, but if she does get fussy, which is very rare, we will go in and give it to her and she calms down. Another difference between them is that Brody alwasy had to be moving to fall asleep during the day.....either in the swing or riding in the car. She is not like that. Sometimes, I think she likes it better when the swing is not swinging. Also, she is taking a pretty good nap in the mornings in the pack'n'play. I just find it interesting to see how similar, yet how different they are! :)
Today, Brody has an appointment to get his hair cut. I can't wait...he is definitely in need of it and he looks so handsome after! :)
I am off to do some laundry while Molly is sleeping.....
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