We had an awesome weekend! The weather was beautiful and perfect for Brody's birthday party. It was also nice because the big gifts he got (from us, my parents, and Tab) were outside toys and we set up a whole little play area for him in the backyard. Here is a pic of what he got! We got him the playhouse, my parents got him the sandbox and the toys, and Tab got him the table, chairs and umbrella. He loved it! It will be really nice for him this summer.

Like I said, the weather was great. It was 75 on Saturday and we had the windows open and there was a nice breeze. We cooked out and we all had a good time. Thanks to everyone who came to spend this special day with our little boy! I still can't believe he is 2. He had so much fun!
Here is a picture of his cake. I loved it! I couldn't find a Yo Gabba Gabba cake, so this was the next best thing. He has a car like this already and I thought the turtle sandbox was cute. Tab brought some brown sugar for her baked beans and we put a little inside of it to make it look like sand. I was really happy with the way it turned out!

Here was Brody going outside to see his play area for the first time. He was walking with my neighbor's daughter Kaylie.

Opening presents.....

Tab and Mallory. She had on her party dress too!

Brody and Daddy. Brody loves him some Daddy!

Here is he blowing out the candle on his cake....

Sliding down the slide Grammaw Cathy (Tab's Mom) gave him.....I think we are going to keep this inside rather than take it outside.

Mallory wearing Molly's pink bow. I took this picture just for Kevin (he hates hair bows!)

This is how Molly spent a good portion of her time during the party. She had on her party dress underneath the blanket and looked ready to party.

Here she was in her bouncy chair. She loves this chair....almost as much as Brody did!

The next morning, I wanted to try on a few outfits he got. My girlfriend Melissa bought him this bathing suit and rash guard. She has a pool and we are definitely going to go over there this summer and have some pool time!

And finally, here are some pictures of Molly from yesterday. In my last post, I talked about how I receive e-mails from babycenter.com telling me what each child should be doing developmentally for their age. Well, with Molly, it seems like she is 1-2 weeks behind what they say. This past weekend, she has definitely started to follow us more when we walk around and she started batting at toys. It is really cute. I am going to try and get it on video....I haven't yet.

Tummy time does not seem to be her favorite, but she does last about 5 minutes or so. She is lifting her head more and more everyday, but she has really good head control when you pick her and hold her upright. She is also doing really good in the bumbo chair.

I started this post this morning and ran out of time before we went to Brody's 2 year check up. He weighs 39 lbs. and unfortunately, I don't remember his height, but he is in the 75th percentile for height. He is still off the weight chart, but not by much. She asked if I was concerned, and I told her that at this point, I am not that concerned about his weight anymore. She said she thought he was thinning out, which we have noticed as well. When I look at him compared to the other kids in his daycare class, he doesn't look much bigger than them so I definitely think he is starting to slow down. Developmentally, he is advanced in all categories, but is really advanced for his speech. He talks so much and he speaks very clear too. There are only a handful of times when I can't understand him, but once he says it a few more times, I can generally figure it out.
The bad thing is that I think he is going to have to get tubes. We took him to the ENT a the Friday before last because he had a few ear infections over the last couple of months. The doctor said he had fluid in his ears, and he has had fluid in his ears pretty much everytime he goes to the doctor. Sometimes it is clear, but of course other times, his ears are infected. The ENT doctor gave him a steroid to see if he could get the fluid to diappear. Well, he has been on that steroid for the past week and when he went today, his pediatrician said that one ear has clear fluid and the other has yellow fluid. That is more than when he saw the ENT. He only had clear fluid in one ear and the other ear was fine. So, I asked her for her opinion because I really don't want him to have tubes, but she said she thought it was a good idea. We are scheduled to go back to the ENT in the middle of April and he said that if he either got another ear infection before then, or if the fluid did not go away, he was going to recommend tubes. As I said, I of course don't want him to have tubes, but I also don't want this to cause damage to his ear or his hearing. I guess we will see what happens.
Brody is fighting his nap today, but I will prevail (hopefully!). It is now 1:21 and he has been in his crib since 11:45 and he hasn't slept yet. I really need him to nap today. He is so stubborn....I have no clue who he gets that from! :)
Update: It is now 1:29 and he is finally asleep! He needs to realize that Momma knows best! :)
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