Wednesday, March 17, 2010


Well, I didn't find the adapter, but Ted found the cord to our camera so I was able to finally download the pictures from the last couple of weeks. YAY!! I have included some below.

Also, today was a milestone for Molly. She rolled over for the first time. She has been trying so hard to roll over from her back to her tummy and finally accomplished it today. I have read that babies normally roll from their tummy to their back first, but I guess she wanted to be a little different. I had to work late tonight but Ted said that she almost did it again tonight. I am upset that I missed it....this is why I hate being a working mom, but I guess if Ted and I couldn't see it, my Mom and Dad are the next best thing!

Also, Molly is now sleeping from about 8:30 to 5:00-6:00 am!! She has done that the past couple of nights. Previously, she may have woken around 3:00 or so, but we could give her the pacifier and she would go back to sleep. But not now! It has been nice.

I love her smile!

This picture cracks me up...she really likes her bumbo

A little tummy time...

Trying to roll over......

Brody claims Molly's bumbo is his chair.....

He was getting up to start dancing...he loves dancing.

This is the mustache from his Mr. Potato Head

His signature smile......I love this smile!

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