Thursday, February 11, 2010

Back on the Homefront

I got back yesterday from my trip to Tulsa. It was a sad occasion, but I am happy that I got to see my family for the short time I was there. Of course, I wish it was under different circumstances, and I wish everyone else was there (Christy and Sarah), but it was nice to be able to spend some time together. My cousin Sarah had her baby during the Superbowl, which was a positive thing amongst the sadness. My Aunt got to be with her, which was good, and it was nice to be with my Uncle while he was awaiting the news and when he found out that he had another grandbaby. I could have sworn she was having a girl, but she had another boy....Joseph Teal Glasser. Pretty cool!!

My grandfather's funeral was nice and I am glad I got the chance to say goodbye. During the service, they talked alot about my grandma and grandpa as a couple, which was pretty emotional, but they are together now, exactly where he would like to be. I am glad I got the chance to be there for my Dad as well.

I just have to say that I have an amazing husband. He stayed home with the kids so I didn't have to worry about taking care of them during all the craziness. He was alone with them from Saturday morning until Wednesday night and they were all in one piece when I got back. I felt really guilty about leaving the kids, especially since Molly is so young, but daddy daycare went perfect. Thanks Babe! You are the best! :)

While I was gone, Brody was running a fever off and on and Ted kept him home from daycare on Monday. We took him to the doctor today with Molly (it was her 2 month check up...more on that below) and he has an ear infection....AGAIN! UGH! I am so sick of these damn ear infections. I am going to call the ENT that he saw back in July and see if they can see him again. It seems like he can get rid of them for a little bit and then they come back. He was such a pitiful soul when I got home from the airport last night. He had a fever of 102 and wouldn't eat anything. He cried during his bath and went right to bed. Of course, he stayed home today and seemed to be better, but he still had a fever when we took him to the doctor. So, he is on another round of antibiotics, which will hopefully knock it out.

Today is Molly's 2 month birthday! I can't believe she is two months old already! I didn't get a chance to take any pictures today, but I am going to try and take some tomorrow. She is getting so big. Here are her 2 month stats:

Weight - 11 lbs. 12 oz. (50-75%)
Length - 23 inches (50-75%)
Head - 15 inches (10-25%)

Her head is still small, but she is getting bigger and longer. She is still pretty small to me, especially compared to Brody who was almost 16 lbs at this age! She got her shots and screamed bloody murder for 30 seconds and calmed right down. She was a little fussy tonight, but overall she did great. Ted is feeding her right now and I can hear him trying to wake her up to finish her bottle. Hopefully she will sleep good tonight.

Speaking of sleep, Ted must have trained her well while I was gone because she has been sleeping for 7-8 hours for the past 4 nights!! Yes, I said 7-8 hours! I can't believe it. It is amazing. I am pretty sure he bribed her with a pony, but who cares! This is fabulous. Hopefully, this will become the norm, but I don't want to get ahead of myself.

I am off to watch a little TV before bed. I will try and post some pictures tomorrow.

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