Friday, February 26, 2010

Last Day of Maternity Leave :(

Today is my last official day of maternity leave. I go back to work on Monday. I am dreading it. For some strange reason, I was hoping it would be easier the second time around, especially since Molly will be with my Mom, but it is not. I am going to miss her so much. She has been such a great baby and she is just now starting to interact....I hate that I am going to miss so much. But I know I can call multiple times throughout the day and my Mom will keep me updated.

Right now, she is taking a really good morning nap and a not so good afternoon nap. That is partly because I am trying to put her in the crib in the afternoons and it is not working out so great. I am not sure if it is because she isn't swaddled or what. For the past week or so, she has been sleeping from 8-8:30 to 4-5 am, which I am stoked about. Since Ted is out of town this week, my Mom has been helping with the kids and I know Brody is enjoying it just as much as she is. It is so nice to have her around and for her to able to do this. She is such a blessing and I am so thankful!

Brody has been doing good too. Last night was the first night in a couple nights that he woke up and threw his stuff out of the crib. That was about midnight and he went right back down. I am starting to think that he is having nightmares. I was looking up stuff online and right around 2, they are getting their molars, have a huge development leap, and they may start having nightmares. He has never woken up like this in the middle of the night, and this is now been going on for about 2 months. It started right before Molly came. While it may have to do with that whole adjustment, I am not thinking that is the case. But again, it is not horrible because he goes right back to sleep after I give him his stuff out. Since he climbed out of the crib once, I am done with the idea of letting him cry it out because I am afraid he is going to do it again. This too shall pass.

I have started to lose more weight, which makes me happy. I gained a total of 42 lbs. with Molly and have lost about 30 lbs. so far. However, I feel like I have much more to lose because my body is definitely a different shape. I guess with 2 c-sections, I am going to work really hard to get that belly bulge to shrink. But, I am sure it will all come off in due time. I am just happy to have lost that much already. I have tried to control what I am eating and I have stopped drinking soda (I cheated today and had a ginger ale and a diet coke last week at lunch, but I haven't had any other soda in about 3 weeks). I think that helped alot last time so I am trying to mimick that.

By the sound of only music coming from the monitor, it sounds like Molly may have drifted off to sleep. Let's hope that lasts! :)

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