Thursday, February 18, 2010

Not Much of a Morning Napper

Molly does not like to take a morning nap. I am trying to put her in her crib for a nap in the morning, but she doesn't stay in there long. Typically, she eats at 8:00 and then we play for a little until about 9:00 - 9:30 and then I put her in the crib. I normally keep her in there for about an hour and she may sleep for 20 minutes. She doesn't fuss too much so I can generally keep her in there even if she isn't sleeping. However, she naps like a champ in the afternoon. Normally it is a good 2-3 hour nap. But, like her brother, it is in the swing. I remember being so freaked out about Brody sleeping in the swing and worrying that he would never take a nap in his crib. But, he transitioned to the crib pretty easily once he was ready. So, I am not that pressed about her sleeping in the swing right now.

Last night, she slept for a long time. Ted fed her at 8:00 and she was down by 8:30. I heard her start to fuss around 2:30 and I went in there and gave her her pacifier. She made a little noise right after, but she wasn't crying so I didn't go in there. The next time I heard her it was 6:00 am!!! Now, she may have cried during that time, but not enough for me to hear her. When I went in there, she wasn't acting crazy hungry so I brought her in our room and she slept for another hour. I finally fed her around 7:30. So, I guess you could say she slept almost 9 hours last night.

Brody is still waking up at night, but it is not horrible. Last night, it was around 4:00 am and then 5:00. He went right back to sleep both times once we gave him his stuff back that he threw out of the crib. I have constantly questioned whether we are doing the right thing by giving him his stuff back everytime he throws it out, but we tried to let him cry it out about a week ago, and he cried for over an hour before I finally gave in. He wasn't calming down and I was afraid that he would try and climb out his crib (which was never a worry before, but is now). So, I am hoping that this phase will end soon. We have also thought about going ahead and transitioning him to the toddler bed. Not sure I am ready for that, but maybe he is and this is his way of telling us.

I am scheduled to go back to work a week from Monday. I am dreading it. I thought it would be a little easier since I have done it once before, but I don't think so. I am going to miss her! But, since my Mom is going to be watching her, I will be able to call throughout the day and see how she is doing. She will be in great hands and that is comforting!

Here are a few pics from yesterday morning. She was talking and smiling so much.

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