Monday, February 1, 2010

Terrible Two

Brody is being a terrible two today. I am sure it is because we all have cabin fever. We have been stuck in this house, with only a few moments outside, all weekend, including today. Ted went back to work this morning, but was on a two hour delay. He just left about an hour ago, but this morning has been rough. Brody is not listening and has spent a majority of time in timeout. I am not ashamed to say that I am happy that he is going to go down for his nap in about an hour. Right now, he and Ethan are playing with some toys.

Today is the first day that I have put Molly in her crib for a nap. I put her there about an hour ago and she is still not asleep, but she is not fussing either. I figured that I am going to try and start this routine now so hopefully she will be good to go once my Mom starts keeping her. She is still waking up around 1:30-2:00 and then around 5:00-5:30 am. At this point, Brody started sleeping for 8 hours a few nights but she doesn't seem to be heading that way. Oh well......she is her own person and will be doing things at her own pace. I told Ted yesterday that I have to remember that at two months old (which Molly will be next week), Brody was 15.7 lbs, which probably contributed to him sleeping longer at night. I am thinking Molly is around 11-12 lbs. She goes next Thursday for her appointment so we will see.

Anyway, this is a short post because now Molly is now finally fussing! I am off to get her and get Brody ready for lunch.

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