Thursday, February 4, 2010


My parents called last night to tell me that my grandfather (my Dad's Dad) passed away from a massive heart attack. He was 93 years old but was in relatively good health. This was a complete shock and I still can't believe it. Apparently, he had the heart attack around 4:30 pm and then he died at the hospital a little before 10:00 pm. He lived in Tulsa, OK so my parents left this morning and I am heading there this weekend. I am going to be going by myself, which will be weird, but considering the circumstances, I think it is best. I want to be able to help as much as possible and I wouldn't be able to do that with the kids. I was thinking about taking Molly, but honestly, considering it is flu and RSV season, I don't want her to be exposed to all the germs on the airplane. Plus, she is so small and while I am sure she would be fine, I am thinking it will be best to leave her here in her very capable father's hands.

I haven't really been that close to my grandpa in the past couple of years, and for that, I am sorry. It seemed like I always meant to call him, but I never did. I figured that I would have plenty of time and that I could just call next week. this case, next week will never come. I am really sad about that and will regret it. I hope he knows that I love him. I know he is in a much better place now and he is finally reunited with my Grandma.

With everything going on last night, I didn't end up falling asleep until close to 1:00 am and figured I would just be getting up in a little bit to feed Molly. Well, I finally fell asleep and when I woke up to her crying, it was 4:00 am. She slept from 8:30-4:00, which is the longest she has ever slept. Maybe she knew what was going on and figured she would help make a difficult situation a little better.

My cousin's post today was titled Circle of Life, which I think is so appropriate. She is due to give birth any day now with her second baby and she ended it by saying "One life was taken from this world and another will be entering it soon." I guess life is crazy sometimes.....


Sarah said...

I am glad you are going to be there. I am sure it will be difficult to leave the kids, but I agree with you traveling with just one baby is hard enough but with two it would be almost impossible. Plus the last thing you want is for Molly to get sick. I really hope I will be able to make it, but I highly doubt it. I am thinking about you. Take care.

Nicki said...

I am glad I will be able to be there. I am thinking about you....I know you wish you could be there as well, but you just need to concentrate on yourself and your baby. I hope you have her (I think it is a girl!) soon. It would be great to see you, but hopefully we can all get together under better circumstances soon. Love you and I will be sending positive thoughts your way!

JL Adams said...

Hey Nicki, I'm sorry to hear about your grandfather!