Monday, May 24, 2010

Finally Updating

Okay, I have been horrible about updating my blog. Things have been really crazy at work and things have been busy at home too. Brody is still doing really great in his big boy bed. His only issue now is that he has fallen out of bed a couple of times. He is such a restless sleeper and is constantly flipping and moving while he is sleeping and he just rolls right off the bid. I am thinking about getting one of those bed rails from the store so it will go across the middle part of the bed and hopefully keep him in. Ted doesn't think we need to do that because he said Brody will get used to it. Poor thing.

We are also getting ready to start potty training. We have been introducing him to the potty for a while now, but he has not yet started to use it. Yesterday, we put him in big boy underwear and he was really excited, but he peed in it within the first 10 minutes. Here is a picture of him standing proud in his Elmo undies....

I have heard some good things about this method called the 3 day potting training method. I haven't really researched it yet, but I have read about the success rate and it seems interesting. I think we are going to wait to really start doing it until he is in the next class up in daycare. Once he moves into that class, they will work with him everyday on it as well and hopefully that will help. Right now, it is hard for us to try and do something when he is in daycare for a majority of the day and they wouldn't be doing the same thing. I am hoping that like every other transition in his life up until this point, it will be quick and easy! HA! One can hope, right?

Let's see....Molly has rolled over from her belly to her back twice, but is constantly rolling from her back to her belly. Not sure what is taking her so long going back the other way, but her pediatrician isn't concerned. She is trying to sit up and can sit up a little now. Here are a couple of pictures. I love her facial expression in the last one!ure....

Here is a picture of Ethan playing his game and Brody "playing with him." Ethan gives him one of his remotes and he acts like he is the one playing.

Molly standing with her Daddy.....she is getting so big!

Look at those rolls on her arm...

Ethan and his little sister. He is such a good big brother and they light up when they see him!

Brody and Pop-Pop......I can totally hear his laugh just by looking at this picture!

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Still Here

Wow...I haven't blogged since Mother's Day. I really haven't felt motivated to do it, which is so sad, but I do have some stuff to blog about and some pictures to post, so hopefully I can do some later tonight or this weekend. Just stay tuned........

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Happy Mommy's Day!

Happy Mommy's Day! I had a great day and great weekend with the family. I missed seeing my Mom today (she is in Chicago visiting my sister), but I talked to her a couple of times and wished her a very Happy Mother's Day. She definitely deserves it. My Mom and I had our rough times growing up, but I thinking becoming a Mom has really opened my eyes to how much she cares for me and loves me. Thanks for all you have done and do for me Mom! You are the best!!

Today, we had plans to head to the Children's Museum but unforuntately, when we got there, it was closed for renovations. Bummer! But it was a nice down in downtown and they had an art festival going on so we walked around for a bit. It was really nice. Then we headed out to dinner and now the kids are in bed, and we are just chilling getting ready to watch some TV. Ted surprised me last night with two Tiffany's charms for my bracelet - one with the letter B and one with the letter M. It was cute because he had Brody hand me the boxes and he told me "Happy Mother's Day Mommy!" It was the best. I truly am blessed.

Little Miss Molly has started to boycott her bottles the last couple of days and I don't know why. We think she might be teething and her gums hurt, but they aren't red and swollen, but I can't figure out what else it is. She doesn't seem hungry either, which is weird. She just started this yesterday and Ted fed her tonight because I have been getting a little frustrated with it today. She cried pretty much the entire time. We tried to switch the bottle nipples to the fast flow ones to see if that would help and she did take the bottle, but still cried the whole time. I sure hope it is teething and this starts to subside soon. We shall see.

Brody decided to boycott his nap today! (what is it with my kids acting up on Mother's Day!) He didn't cry, but he just wouldn't lay down in his bed and go to sleep. We left him in there for a couple of hours and he played the whole time. Shockingly, he wasn't grumpy this afternoon and he got a little sleepy in the car, but he got his second wind and did just fine at dinner. Then we put him down around 7:00 and he was out at 7:15. Normally he will play for a little bit and then get in bed around 8:00. Not tonight....he was tuckered out.

My computer is slow again so I am going to try and post some more pics tomorrow, but I just want to you see how blessed I am that these two little kiddies have entered my life. Brody, who I consider our miracle baby, since it took us almost three years and multiple negative pregnancy tests to have. And, little Miss Molly, who amazes me everyday with her personality and the way she lights up when I come in the room. I thank God everyday for giving me the opportunity to be there Momma and I can't even put into words the depth to which I love them. I am so thankful for this gift I have been given and I do not take a minute of it for granted. They are my life and I can not wait to continue on this journey and see the amazing people they will become!!