Friday, April 8, 2011

I really need to blog more......

Yet again, I totally suck at blogging. I swear…I say I am going to be better about it and I totally cherish the fact that I blogged so often the last couple of years because I look back on what I posted all the time. Especially looking to see what Brody did at certain ages and (dare I say) compare him to Molly. There definitely is no comparison. Other then the fact that they were both easy, they are 2 totally different children!

The biggest news right now is that Ted will possibly not be working next week if the Government shuts down, which according to what I have been reading, is inevitable. As of right now, they have about 12 hours to come to some agreement or Ted will be getting on Monday, heading to work to get his furlough papers, and then heading back home! UGH! We were planning to go on a vacation at the end of May for our anniversary, but of course, that has been put on hold because we don’t know what will happen. I am hoping some miracle happens in the next 12 hours and he will still get paid next week.

Other news….Molly has another ear infection. When I took her for her 15 month check-up when I took Brody for his 3 year check up, unbeknownst to me, she had an ear infection in her left ear. Of course, like Brody, she gave me no indication that she was having issues so I had no clue. Well, when the doctor looked back at her other appointments, she has either had an infection or fluid in her ear since January. She prescribed an antibiotic to try and knock it out and said we needed to come back in 2 weeks for a re-check. Well, her re-check was on Tuesday and guess what – the ear that had an infection still had yellow fluid and her right ear was the same way. The other issue is that when we first went back, the nurse did a tympanogram test on her. I don’t remember Brody ever having that done, at least not in the pediatrician’s office, so I was surprised when they did it. The tympanogram tests the middle ear the mobility of the eardrum. It doesn’t assess her hearing, but it measures the eardrum’s response to sound at different pressures. Well, both of her ears came back abnormal which means we are headed to the ENT. I was able to schedule an appointment with the same practice Brody went to on May 5th so we will wait to see what happens. I am hoping that they are able to solve the issue without having to do tubes, which is what happened with Brody. I know that I shouldn’t be freaked out, but anytime someone says a test came back abnormal with my kids, I get a little scared. Then of course, I thought back and remembered that in the hospital, she failed her first hearing test, but passed the second. Of course, in my warped brain, I am already associating the 2 and they probably have nothing to do with each other. So, now we wait. Of course, you take one look at her and have no clue that anything is wrong. She is still her happy go lucky self. Such a lovebug. The following list is just for me because I want to document some of the funny things the kids are doing now:


  • The other night, I was getting Brody ready for his bath. I told him to take his clothes off and he looked at me and said, “Okay little girl…..little girl named Mommy!” Of course, it is not as funny as I am typing it because the funniest part was the look on his face and the way he said it! It cracked me up.

  • Brody is doing so awesome at school. I definitely think he was more than ready to move up to the next class. When my parents picked him up from school the other day, my Mom asked how he was and his teacher said “Brody is always good!” Makes this Mommy smile. He has been so good the last couple of weeks with listening and doing what he is told. His time-outs have been few and far between and he just seems to have matured so much recently. Crazy to think of him as mature at 3, but I don’t know another way to describe it.

  • I have started to relax a little about his schedule. Anyone that knows me well might be falling out of their chair right now as they are reading this, but yes, it is true. The nap times are limited on the weekend and he is able to fully function with no nap so if he misses it, I am not that worried. We still send him upstairs in his room at his normal nap time, but we let him watch tv and have now referred to it as “rest time.” At night, same thing, but he has been hanging out with us a little more at night and the other night, I actually let him stay downstairs and we watched cartoons and it was 8:00 pm! I know…..sometimes I shock myself. But he is a well-adjusted kid and I have learned that we can modify the schedule a little bit and guess what? The world doesn’t fall apart like I thought! Of course, I can’t say the same thing about Molly’s schedule. She is still too young.


  • Similar to Brody, Molly is doing really well at school. She has definitely adjusted to going there every morning and I can’t honestly remember the last time she cried when I dropped her off. That used to just be a staple in our morning routine, but not now. I can’t tell that she is picking up more and more language. She can pretty much imitate most words we say to her and has come to call Brody bo-bo. It is pretty cute.

  • At night, for a while, we would bathe her, put her jammies on, and then I would rock her for a few minutes before I put her down at night. She would just lay on me with her head on my chest and those were one of my favorite moments of the day. Well now, or atleast for the past couple of nights, we do the same thing and I will go to sit in the rocker and she will fight to get off of me. Once she is down, she will walk right over to her crib, grab the railing, look at me and say something in her Chinese, and hike a leg up like she wants to get in the crib. The first time it happened, I couldn’t believe it. It was like she was trying to tell me that she was ready for bed. Well, she has started doing it more and more. I guess our rocker time has slowly faded away! That is like a knife to the heart for me because it is yet another sign my little baby girl is growing up! :(

  • Molly definitely loves her brothers. She and Brody play together pretty well, but of course there are those times where they fight. It is crazy to think about a 16 month old and a 3 year old fighting, but trust me it happens. Molly started this new thing last week where she would break out in a high-pitch scream when Brody would take something from her. She is a little feisty……….I think it is pre-cursor of what is to come. She is definitely my more laid back baby, but she has a mean streak in her and as she gets older, I am sure we would find it as cute as we do now at this age.

  • Last weekend, Molly was out in the kitchen while Ethan was emptying the dishwasher. She fell and started crying and I was getting ready to get up and go in there, but Ethan had scooped her up and she immediately stopped crying. It was probably one of the sweetest things ever. She was just staring up at him, with this look on her face that said “Thank you so much for saving my life!” It was adorable! I love those moments….they definitely can not be re-created!

I think that is it for now. I am going to get back to work. I just wanted to take a little brain break and post something since I haven’t posted in a while! Ciao for now! :)