Today has been one of those days. I don't feel like anything I did was right and found myself getting so frustrated with Brody at moments that I started questioning my mothering skills. I hate when that happens. From the moment he got up, he has not been listening. AT ALL! Everything I tell him, he does the opposite. Everytime he says he wants to watch something and I either turn the channel or put a DVD in, he wants to watch something different. He tells me he wants one thing, then turns around and says he doesn't want it. I know that the more I get frustrated, the worse it gets but DAMN....sometimes I can't help it. And now I am feeling guilty for that. I know that we are entering the Trying 3s, which I have heard is worse than the Terrible 2s, but when you are in the moment, it is hard to remember that everything he is doing is normal. He is testing his limits and I give him an A+ on that! He is too smart beyond his years and I am starting to realize that I can't get over on him too many times before he figures it out.
He can get me so upset at times by his actions and then turn around and say the cutest thing. For example, the other night, he was being difficult and when I took him to the potty before bed, he told me he wanted to sit and try and go potty. Normally, he pees standing up, but I said whatever. So he was sitting there and he asked me to sit next to him on the side of the tub. Then, as he was balancing on the toilet seat, he looks at me and says, "Mommy, I can't stick my butt in the toilet!" I just busted out laughing because I had no idea where that came from. Well, the next day, when I dropped him off at school, I was talking to his teacher and I told her that and she laughed and then said "Oh, there is a little boy, Davin, who is in his class with Down Syndrome. Everytime he goes potty, h lifts both lids up and essentially sits down directly in the water." They tell him not to do that, and Brody picked it up. Then the next night, same scenario, except this time, I was telling him something and he looked at me and said "Mommy, what you talking about?" It is these moments that I constantly remind myself of when I get upset because these are the moments that I will remember. The other stuff is just gravy!
Then, there is my angel baby, Molly. I hate to say that like I am comparing her to Brody, but she is so good that I sometimes have a hard time believing she is mine! She is walking EVERYWHERE! She no longer likes to crawl and will crawl a few times, then stop and stand and start walking. I guess she has figured out that she can get wherever she wants to go faster by walking than crawling. She is still such a laidback baby and just goes with the flow. She definitely has her daddy's personality. I can't believe that she will be a 1 next month! Where does the time go??? It is often bittersweet with her, as it was with Brody at this age, because I am so excited to see her grow and develop, but the other part of me is sad to see the baby disappear in her everyday. Everyday presents one more 24-hour period where she is distancing herself from the baby into a little girl! I could get emotional just thinking about it.
I can't believe there is a little over a month before Christmas. I need to get on the ball with my Christmas shopping. Tab keeps reminding me everyday! I just need to make my list and start knocking it out. But like every year, I will probably end up doing all my shopping 1-2 weeks before Christmas. That's just how I roll, I guess.
Well, I am off to relax and watch a little TV before I fall asleep. Today really tired me out.