Well.....the day finally came. Molly started school yesterday. I have dreaded this day for many months, but I knew it would eventually come. First and foremost, I was worried about how she would react. Of course, having experienced this was Brody, I was more prepared, but I wasn't fully prepared for the feelings that came. She has always been such a good baby and I knew she would do just fine, but I never want to feel like I am not there for my kids. Since family members having been watching her up until this point, I always knew that was somewhat of an extension of me. This was going to be a different experience for both of us. With that said, I knew that Brody has thrived at this school and I tried to stay positive. And, of course the cost of having two in daycare was a shock! Whew.....we could own another house for what we are paying for both! But, I know it is a good school and they have a very structured program so it is worth it.
So, I got both kids ready yesterday morning and figured it would be best to drop Brody off in his class first. That of course went fine. (Side note: he has been so good with the potty. He has not had an accident at school yet! I am so proud!) I then went into Molly's class, dropped her stuff off and hung around for a bit. I had an eye doctor appointment after that and knew I had some time to stick around. She immediately went for the toys and I thought, "Wow......this may be easier than I thought!" Well, I went to leave and she turned to watch me and immediately stuck her lip out and started to cry. Of course, that pulled at my heart strings and I picked her up and started to play a little bit more with her. I thought, "maybe she just needs a little more time." Well, that happened a couple more times and eventually, I started running out of time and knew I had to go. I bit the bullet and left her with the teacher. I heard her cry and as I was signing her out, I just lost it! I tried to hold it together until I got into the car, but I couldn't help it!
Now, of course, I called a couple of times throughout the day. The first time I called it was about 9:30. They said she stopped crying about two minutes after I left. She ate her breakfast well (which I was worried about because she still only has two teeth!) and they said she was getting along well. I knew nap time was around 11:00 so I wanted to wait until she was up before I called again. Well, I called at 3:00 and her teacher said she did well at lunch, but she never napped. Huh? What? That's not my kid. She loves sleep and never misses her nap! They said that she just laid there but never fell asleep. (Another side note: When I dropped her off, I asked the teacher where the cribs in the class were. She said they didn't sleep in cribs anymore; they slept on cots on the floor. When Brody was in the same class, they still had cribs. I remember thinking, "How in the heck will that work. She tends to curl up in the corner of her crib when she sleeps.") Anyway, they said she didn't fuss....she just laid there and never fell asleep. They said she had a good rest of the day. I was totally expected to see a fussy baby when I got home from work, but she was just fine! She looked tired, but didn't act like it. She was my normal, happy baby!
So, in conclusion, her first day was great! And her second day was even better! She still cried when I left but they said she was fine soon after I left and even took a nap today! I knew this first week would be hard and even though Brody has been going to school for almost two years, he still has his moments where he doesn't want me to leave! Of course, as a Momma, you hate to see that, but a part of me feels pretty good about it! I would probably wonder about him if he didn't do that sometimes.
On another note, Brody has really started to bond with Molly and I love it! Like tonight.....after I gave them both a bath (separately, because together is extremely difficult), after I got them both dressed, Brody was walking with Molly and he just stopped and started tickling her. She was giggling up a storm and so was he! Ahhh........a pretty good end to the day! Then he gave Molly a kiss before she went to bed. These are the moments that melt my heart! I have so much love for my kiddies that I can't even put it into words!