Thursday, May 1, 2008

No More Afternoon Naps

So...I think Brody has decided to stop taking long naps during the day now. For the last 2 days, he has taken brief cat naps throughout the day, instead of taking a 2-3 hour nap. It was nice when he did take a long nap because it gave me time to do stuff around the house. Now I have to try and do things during these brief naps. Yesterday, I put him in the swing and he would sleep for 15 minutes, wake up and cry, and then sleep for another 15 minutes, wake up and cry and so on. Today, he is doing the same thing. He is starting to sleep for 4 hours or more at a time at night, which is good so hopefully he will start sleeping longer at night since he isn't sleeping for a long period of time during the day. I think I have noticed that he has an especially fussy period in the evening time, around 5-6. It never fails, whenever I am getting ready to sit down and eat, he starts to cry and doesn't stop until I pick him up and hold him. Sometimes, that doesn't even work! I have heard that at 6 weeks, they go through a growth spurt, want to eat more and have an especially fussy period. Yay! I am so excited for that!

I had my six week check up today. I have still have much to lose, but I have lost 36 lbs so far. My doctor told me that everything looks good and is all back to where it should be. I asked him if there was a reason why Brody weighed so much. I was wondering if I had borderline gestational diabetes, especially since I failed the first test. He did tell me that I failed one of the tests during the 3 hours tests, but he said that all of my other sugar levels checked out fine so he doesn't think that had anything to do with it. He really didn't have an explanation for Brody being so big. He did tell me that with the next pregnancy, he will test me for diabetes earlier and will probably monitor the baby's size to make sure the next one doesn't get too big. I said thank goodness for that because so many people have told me that your second baby tends to be bigger than your first. Holy crap...I sure hope not!

Here are a few pictures of Brody from yesterday. He is smiling more and more each day. This morning, he smiled real huge when my dad was talking to him. I wish I would have gotten a picture! He was sitting on the couch in the first picture and was staring at the fan in the next one. He had a little smirk in that picture!

Tornado Update: I also wanted to post the picture below of the Tornado from Monday. I know I am posting alot about it, but like I said, it is so rare to have a tornado around here, I still can't believe it. This picture was taken from the restaurant across from Obici Hospital. Shocking!


Anonymous said...

Im glad to hear you Dr's appt went well....

Can't wait to get home!!

Anonymous said...

And put that baby down and let him cry for a little while!!!!

He's in for a rude awakening when daddy gets home.....

And if he don't straighten know what they say...

"Don't let the door hit ya where the good lord split ya!!!"