I was also brave and decided to head over in the morning and let him swim for a little bit and then put him down for a nap at her house. Since I am such a control freak, Brody has only missed his normal nap time maybe 3 times and the only place he has taken his nap has been here, my parent's house, and at Tab's house. So, I wasn't sure what would happen.
Well, we got there and he was having such a good time. He has definitely started to want to do everything on his own. His favorite phrase is "Mommy....I do it. Brody do it!" So of course, he tried this in the pool, but of course, I didn't go far. He was doing a great job swimming and kicking his feet and getting places. He had on some floaties so atleast that helped a little bit when he wanted to do some things on his own. I had always toyed with the idea of taking him to swim lessons, but never did. He definitely caught on and I think I might look into it.
So we got there in the morning, swam for a couple of hours, ate some lunch, and then I put him in the pack'n'play in her room and he slept great! He slept for almost 3 hours, which is pretty typical for him. He woke up in a great mood, had a snack and into the pool we went again. All in all we had a great day and I look forward to other days like that again.
Then, this past weekend, my parents were having a cook out in their condo pad and we decided to go over a little early and head to their neighborhood pool. It was not crowded, which was great, because of course, Brody was going to be loud and splashing and I would have felt bad if someone was trying to relax. My dad got in the pool with him for a little bit and my neighbor and her kids came with us and we had a good time. Here are a couple of pics.....
On to Molly......she is definitely a roller now. She has been rolling from her back to her belly for a long time now, but a couple of weeks ago, she started rolling from her belly to her back...randomly. Well, now she is a roly-poly.....going everywhere. Also, she has now started to sleep on her belly. The minute we lay her down, she flips over to her side and then her belly and sleeps like that for a majority of the night. The only problem with that is since she started doing this, which was about a week ago, she has been waking up around 6:00 every morning and crying. She is on her belly and I think she forgets that she put herself there so some mornings I just roll her back over, give her the paci and she will go back to sleep. Other times, I have just brought her in the bed with us. I have been feeling guilty about bringing her in with us because I don't want her to get used to it, but we did the same thing with Brody sometimes and he didn't have a problem.
She is also doing a good job with sitting up, and can sit up for a little bit before toppling over. Of course, she always wants to sit and when she is laying down, she looks like she is doing a sit up because she wants to be up so bad. My parents brought out the saucer and we brought down the jumper for her to start using and she LOVES it. I definitely think she likes the new view and being able to sit up and use her legs. Here are some pics.......
She is also such a love bug! She is happy 99% of the day and when she is fussy, there is normally a specific reason. I have never met a baby that is this happy. I am thankful though because her brother is much more needy right now and she is pretty content being able to occupy herself. I feel bad alot because I do feel like a lot of my energy goes to Brody and she is being shafted, but I am happy that I get to spend Mondays with her since I work from home those days! Right now, i am working (well...not right now, but I have been) and she is asleep right next to me in the swing. She is so smily and lights up when you smile at her. She also laughs all the time and thinks we are the funniest people ever!
I can't believe she is 6 months old! She turned 6 months last Friday! Where does the time go? Pretty soon, she will be Brody's age and will be entering her terrible 2s (God help us!) and that makes me sad! I will be happy watching them grow, but also sad that Mommy won't be needed as much!
Like it is hard for me to believe that Ethan will be 12 a week from today. That is just mind boggling! We are going to have him for a month and a half this summer, starting this week. I am excited. I enjoy having him here and love to see him interacting with his brother and sister. They light up when they see him too! I think I might try and get their pictures taken again at some point. We have finally updated our wall with the pics we have taken and it is awesome to see how they have changed and grown.
Okay...this post has become really long, but I guess that is what happens when I don't blog that often! I have been horrible with the camera and getting pictures but I will try over the next month to get more since the family will all be together! Plus, and I forgot to mention this, but my sister is going to be moving back home this summer!! I am so excited for them to be back here. It will be nice for all the kids to be together and for us to have them so close. I can't wait for them to get here!
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